(i) For Class 1A and 2A ATCRBS transponders, verify that the minimum RF peak output power is at least 21.0 dbw (125 watts). (3) Linkages, trusses, and members - for undue or excessive wear Where is the throttle typically located on a helicopter? %%EOF (10) All systems - for improper installation, poor general attachment. In the event of a discharge resulting from a spill of hazardous substances or oil from a construction site (Parts III.A.3.c.iii and Part III.A.3.c.iv), where the release is an amount equal to or in excess of a reporting quantity established under either 40 CFR Part 110, 40 CFR Part 117, or 40 CFR Part 302, occurring during (where practicable) improper operation. (18) Replacing wheels and skis where no weight and balance computation is involved. For purposes of this section: Aeronautical product means any civil aircraft or airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, component, or part to be installed thereon. condition. (a) Maintenance record entries. However, except for minor alterations, the work must have been done in accordance with technical data approved by the Administrator. (2) Studs and nuts - for improper torquing and obvious defects. (2) The certificate holder has written procedures available to the pilot to evaluate the accomplishment of the task. looseness. (e) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall inspect (where applicable) the following components of the landing gear group: (1) All units - for poor condition and insecurity of attachment. The maximum time a 100 hour inspection can be extended is ______________. Highest customer reviews on one of the most highly-trusted product review platforms. This checklist must include the scope and detail of the items contained in appendix D to this part and paragraph (b) of this section. This section does not apply to any U.S. aeronautical products maintained or altered under any bilateral agreement made between Canada and any country other than the United States. breakage. (xxvi) Repair of fabric covering involving an area greater than that required to repair two adjacent ribs. Experience is the act of having performed the task before. (7) All systems - for improper installation, poor general condition, apparent and obvious defects, and insecurity of attachment. (23) Cleaning or replacing fuel and oil strainers or filter elements. there is weak cylinder compression, for improper internal condition General Operating and Flight Rules (14 CFR Part 91) Certification: Pilots, Flight Instructors, and Ground Instructors (14 CFR Part 61) Pilot Schools (14 CFR Part 141) Commercial Space Transportation. (d) Records: Comply with the provisions of 43.9 of this chapter as to content, form, and disposition of the records. that is not otherwise covered by this listing for improper Airworthiness Directives are issued primarily to: 1) A Supplemental Type Certificate may be issued to more than one applicant for the same design change, providing each applicant shows compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirement (2) An installation of an item manufactured in accordance with the Technical Standard Order system requires no further approval for installation in a particular aircraft. (k) Records: Comply with the provisions of 43.9 of this chapter as to content, form, and disposition of the records. ?G!\r_4 10 :|qEC$LQPQB. He shall use the tools, equipment, and test apparatus necessary to assure completion of the work in accordance with accepted industry practices. safetying. 28-1.". The most common method of aircraft inspection is ____________. GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1. and insecure mounting. (a) General. (a) Definitions used in this section. radio group: (1) Radio and electronic equipment - for improper installation (c) Automatic Pressure Altitude Reporting Equipment and ATC Transponder System Integration Test. condition, defects, and insecure attachment. 14 CFR Part 43 Appendix D How are discharge nozzles in a fuel injected reciprocating engine identified to indicate the flow range? (ix) Corrugated sheet compression members which act as flange material of wings or tail surfaces. What is the usual final step of an annual inspection before the maintenance entry is made? (a) Major alterations - (1) Airframe major alterations. shall inspect (where applicable) components of the engine and (5) Flight and engine controls - for improper installation and improper operation. Life-limited part means any part for which a mandatory replacement limit is specified in the type design, the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, or the maintenance manual. (d) A person working under the supervision of a holder of a mechanic or repairman certificate may perform the maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations that his supervisor is authorized to perform, if the supervisor personally observes the work being done to the extent necessary to ensure that it is being done properly and if the supervisor is readily available, in person, for consultation. The part may be legibly marked using a permanent method showing its current life status. The life status must be updated each time the part is removed from a type certificated product, or if the mark is removed, another method in this section may be used. Which type of aircraft structures reduce fuel consumpution and increase range? (2) It has been tested in accordance with approved standards and technical data, or in accordance with current standards and technical data acceptable to the Administrator, which have been developed and documented by the holder of the type certificate, supplemental type certificate, or a material, part, process, or appliance approval under part 21 of this chapter. (8) Exhaust stacks - for cracks, defects, and improper attachment. (ii) Monocoque or semimonocoque wings or control surfaces. (4) Instruments - for poor condition, mounting, marking, and What is designed to reduce drag created by wing tip vortices? insecure mounting, and improper operation. (iii) Special repairs to structural engine parts by welding, plating, metalizing, or other methods. Forms, Real Estate attachment. What type of rotor is found on helicopters with two rotor blades? (4) Instruments - for poor condition, mounting, marking, and (where practicable) improper operation. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, after April 15, 2002 each person who removes a life-limited part from a type-certificated product must ensure that the part is controlled using one of the methods in this paragraph. The reading of the altimeter at either of the two test points shall not differ by more than the tolerance specified in Table II from the reading of the altimeter for the corresponding altitude recorded during the scale error test prescribed in paragraph (b)(i). Get access to thousands of forms. (4) Antenna including trailing antenna - for poor condition, 43.7 - Persons authorized to approve aircraft, airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, or component parts for return to service after maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration. CFR prev | next Ensure the info you add to the Part 43 Appendix D is updated and correct. The pilot, walking around the aircraft A special Inspection may include the following: pursuant to Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 21, Certification . (7) All systems - for improper installation, poor general condition, apparent and obvious defects, and insecurity of attachment. shall inspect (where applicable) each installed miscellaneous item APPENDIX D TO FAR PART 43 SCOPE AND DETAIL OF ITEMS (AS APPLICABLE TO THE PARTICULAR AIRCRAFT) TO BE INCLUDED IN ANNUAL AND 100HOUR INSPECTIONS(a) Each person performing an annual or 100hour inspection. (ii) The inspections and maintenance tasks are performed in accordance with instructions contained by the special inspection and preventive maintenance program approved as part of the aircraft's type design or supplemental type design. fatigue, and distortion. PRINCIPLE CHANGES. (2) An AMO whose system of quality control for the maintenance, preventive maintenance, alteration, and inspection of aeronautical products has been approved by Transport Canada Civil Aviation, or an authorized employee performing work for such an AMO, may approve (certify) a major repair or major alteration performed under this section if the work was performed in accordance with technical data approved by the FAA. gtag('config', 'UA-53164437-4'); (a) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection (e) The holder of a repair station certificate may perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations as provided in Part 145 of this chapter. (3) Linkages, trusses, and members - for undue or excessive wear fatigue, and distortion. Witt OBriens_checklists index for oil transfer procedures list of items required the us federal regulations per 33 cfr 155.750 and california code of The following alterations of a propeller when not authorized in the propeller specifications issued by the FAA are propeller major alterations: (iii) Changes in the governor or control design. (xiii) Changes to the wing or to fixed or movable control surfaces which affect flutter and vibration characteristics. (5) Flexible vibration dampeners - for poor condition and deterioration. Spanish, Localized (2) Verify that the difference in Mode 3/A and Mode C receiver sensitivity does not exceed 1 db for either any class of ATCRBS transponder or any class of Mode S transponder. (3) Perform any inspection required by part 91 or part 125 of this chapter on aircraft it manufactured under a type certificate, or currently manufactures under a production certificate. (3) Windows and windshields - for deterioration and breakage. Every part of an aircraft must be planned to carry the load imposed upon it. (h) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall inspect (where applicable) the following components of the propeller group: (1) Propeller assembly - for cracks, nicks, binds, and oil leakage. Routine inspections consist of visual examination or check of the appliances, the aircraft, and its components and systems, insofar as practicable without disassembly. (19) Replacing any cowling not requiring removal of the propeller or disconnection of flight controls. USLegal has been awarded the TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award 9 years in a row as the most comprehensive and helpful online legal forms services on the market today. (10) All systems - for improper installation, poor general condition, defects, and insecure attachment. (b) The holder of a mechanic certificate or an inspection authorization may approve an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part for return to service as provided in Part 65 of this chapter. (g) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall inspect (where applicable) all components and systems that make up the complete empennage assembly for poor general condition, fabric or skin deterioration, distortion, evidence of failure, insecure attachment, improper component installation, and improper component operation. (2) The pilot must comply with the certificate holder's procedures or the manufacturer's instructions. propeller group: (1) Propeller assembly - for cracks, nicks, binds, and oil (d) In addition to the entry required by paragraph (a) of this section, major repairs and major alterations shall be entered on a form, and the form disposed of, in the manner prescribed in appendix B, by the person performing the work. Verify that the identity reported in the replies to UF = 5 are the same as that reported in a valid ATCRBS Mode 3/A reply. deterioration. 106(f), 106(g), 40105, 40113, 44701-44702, 44704, 44707, 44709, 44711, 44713, 44715, 45303. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space; CHAPTER I - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION; . (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (g) of this section, in accordance with an approval issued to the holder of a certificate issued under part 135 of this chapter, a pilot of an aircraft type-certificated for 9 or fewer passenger seats, excluding any pilot seat, may perform the removal and reinstallation of approved aircraft cabin seats, approved cabin-mounted stretchers, and when no tools are required, approved cabin-mounted medical oxygen bottles, provided -, (1) The pilot has satisfactorily completed an approved training program and is authorized in writing by the certificate holder to perform each task; and. Canadian aeronautical product means any aeronautical product under airworthiness regulation by Transport Canada Civil Aviation. When the right rudder pedal is pushed forward, it deflects the rudder to the ________ which moves the nose of the aircraft to the right. What are the structural members of a semi-monocoque fuselage that prevents tension and compression from bending the fuselage? A tag or other record may be attached to the part. fabric or skin deterioration, distortion, evidence of failure, operation. (5) Flexible vibration dampeners - for poor condition and (b) Applicability. (2) Wiring and conduits - for improper routing, insecure mounting, and obvious defects. A completed copy of that form shall be -. fittings. Which type of inspection program do the 14 CFR part 121 Airlines use? At constant atmospheric pressure, the barometric pressure scale shall be set at each of the pressures (falling within its range of adjustment) that are listed in Table IV, and shall cause the pointer to indicate the equivalent altitude difference shown in Table IV with a tolerance of 25 feet. (2) Seats and safety belts - for poor condition and apparent Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR), CHAPTER I - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, PART 43 - MAINTENANCE, PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE, REBUILDING, AND ALTERATION. Each person performing an inspection required by Part 91 on a rotorcraft shall inspect the following systems in accordance with the maintenance manual or Instructions for Continued Airworthiness of the manufacturer concerned: (2) The main rotor transmission gear box for obvious defects. (v) For any class of ATCRBS or any class of Mode S transponders, verify that the maximum RF peak output power does not exceed 27.0 dbw (500 watts). Learn more ME406 Series Emergency Locator Transmitter - ACR. (j) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall inspect (where applicable) each installed miscellaneous item that is not otherwise covered by this listing for improper installation and improper operation. The rudder controls the airplane around which axis? (c) Annual and 100-hour inspections. (6) Electrical system - for chafing and improper operation of switches. Learn more Get This Form Now! (vi) Installation of parts not approved for the propeller. 7572; 49 U.S.C. (iv) Removal of accessories that are listed as required equipment on the aircraft or engine specification. (10) Floats and skis - for insecure attachment and obvious or These methods must include, at least -, (i) Maintaining a record of the part number, serial number, and current life status, and. The nose wheel of an airplane is steered by which cockpit control? What classification of turbulence would require an over "G" inspection? For airplanes certificated under part 25 of this chapter, determine that leakage is within the tolerances established by 25.1325. The approved unit must be designed to be readily and repeatedly removed and replaced, and pertinent instructions must be provided. A Part 147 school student may take the required FAA exams prior to graduation from that school. insecure attachment, improper component installation, and improper (1) Execute FAA Form 337 at least in duplicate; (2) Give a signed copy of that form to the aircraft owner; and. (b) The commission by any person of an act prohibited under paragraph (a) of this section is a basis for suspending or revoking the applicable airman, operator, or production certificate, Technical Standard Order Authorization, FAA-Parts Manufacturer Approval, or Product and Process Specification issued by the Administrator and held by that person. Title 14 was last amended 2/10/2023. Title 14 CFR part 121, 121.379(b); 4. (c) Disposition of parts removed from type-certificated products. (4) Appliance major repairs. (b) The tests required by paragraph (a) . 43.11 - Content, form, and disposition of records for inspections conducted under parts 91 and 125 and and 135.419 of this chapter. Us, Delete (c) Authorized persons. (3) Any alteration, for fraudulent purpose, of any record or report under this part. To keep a flat wing from stalling all at one time: The primary flight controls in a helicopter are: Cyclic, collective, and anti-torque pedals. Certificated mechanics with a powerplant rating may perform. This AC cancels, as of its effective date, AC 21-43, dated 10/16/2009. The checklist 14 CFR 43, Appendix D (or similar, like the checklist in AC-90-89B), should be used whether the aircraft is experimental or certified. Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space CHAPTER I - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUBCHAPTER C - AIRCRAFT PART 43 - MAINTENANCE, PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE, REBUILDING, AND ALTERATION 43.15 Additional performance rules for inspections. Alterations of the basic design not made in accordance with recommendations of the appliance manufacturer or in accordance with an FAA Airworthiness Directive are appliance major alterations. (1) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall use a checklist while performing the inspection. (3) Anti-icing devicesfor improper oper- (7) If an inspection is conducted under an inspection program provided for in part 91, 125, or 135.411(a)(1), the entry must identify the inspection program, that part of the inspection program accomplished, and contain a statement that the inspection was performed in accordance with the inspections and procedures for that particular program. (f) Mode S Address: Interrogate the Mode S transponder and verify that it replies only to its assigned address. 43.2 - Records of overhaul and rebuilding. Wear within acceptable limits, repair not necessary. The tag or record must include the part number, serial number, and current life status of the part. (4) Engine mount - for cracks, looseness of mounting, and looseness of engine to mount. (1) Each person performing a progressive inspection shall, at the start of a progressive inspection system, inspect the aircraft completely. (2) Systems and components - for improper installation, apparent defects, and unsatisfactory operation. The leakage of the altimeter case, when the pressure within it corresponds to an altitude of 18,000 feet, shall not change the altimeter reading by more than the tolerance shown in Table II during an interval of 1 minute. a. Where are technical descriptions of certificated propellers found? (3) Propeller major repairs. 43.3 - Persons authorized to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alterations. (7) Making simple fabric patches not requiring rib stitching or the removal of structural parts or control surfaces. During an annual inspection, if a defect is found which makes the aircraft un-airworthy, the person disapproving must, provide a written notice of the defect to the owner. Pressure shall be increased at a rate simulating a descent in altitude at the rate of 5,000 to 20,000 feet per minute until within 3,000 feet of the first test point (50 percent of maximum altitude). E 14 CFR Ch. (1) Each person performing a progressive inspection shall, at the start of a progressive inspection system, inspect the aircraft completely. and found to comply with paragraph (c), appendix E, of part 43 of this chapter. Follow the simple instructions below: The times of distressing complex legal and tax documents are over. (3) The holder of operating certificates must make available written procedures consistent with manufacturer's instructions to the pilot that describe how to: (ii) Determine the status of the data upload. (2) Wiring and conduits - for improper routing, insecure (a) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall, before that inspection. If you want to request a wider IP range, first request access for your current IP, and then use the "Site Feedback" button found in the lower left-hand side to make the request. (v) Case leak. ECO 17212. Guide, Incorporation (3) Envelope, gas bags, ballast tanks, and related parts - for poor condition. hb```b`` |,.`f`(Tcz&^@@@#Tt$PInb`^ fS3c}^ )L 4FJG,)(-\> Elevators move the aircraft around which axis? (v) Installation of structural parts other than the type of parts approved for the installation. Repairs of the following types to a propeller are propeller major repairs: (i) Any repairs to, or straightening of steel blades. hXo8Wq$e`(6u+vkHIK8}dF2IDHrgkV8L:&&)aqbQ9N,Nz?R`pf8`Jy#7oU ?wu6d5-`z1 W`iP<>Fe rZo]rxQAY5n/E3B(=?nFG~|oWz{21j: lL.rSM7m9w&gcoLdl|^n e]}}_uYWuf8Le6;-U#ardHG2ps2pCQ- _r(I\W(/W$qFq|6,2 Q]:qOQ!`lO5m)_J"ok The interrogations should be made at a nominal rate of 50 interrogations per second. (4) Retracting and locking mechanism - for improper (5) The items of preventive maintenance authorized by this section are those listed in paragraph (c) of appendix A of this part. (f) The holder of an air carrier operating certificate or an operating certificate issued under Part 121 or 135, may perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations as provided in Part 121 or 135. (17) Replacing bulbs, reflectors, and lenses of position and landing lights. or hydraulic leaks, and sources of such leaks. Repaired buckled spar 49 inches from tip in accordance with figure 8 in the manufacturer's structural repair manual No. (g) Mode S Formats: Interrogate the Mode S transponder with uplink formats (UF) for which it is equipped and verify that the replies are made in the correct format. (i) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall inspect (where applicable) the following components of the radio group: (1) Radio and electronic equipment - for improper installation and insecure mounting. 100-hour inspections required by the Federal Aviation Regulations on a powerplant, propeller, or any component thereof, and may release the same to service. (4) Except for progressive inspections, if the aircraft is found to be airworthy and approved for return to service, the following or a similarly worded statement - I certify that this aircraft has been inspected in accordance with (insert type) inspection and was determined to be in airworthy condition., (5) Except for progressive inspections, if the aircraft is not approved for return to service because of needed maintenance, noncompliance with applicable specifications, airworthiness directives, or other approved data, the following or a similarly worded statement - I certify that this aircraft has been inspected in accordance with (insert type) inspection and a list of discrepancies and unairworthy items dated (date) has been provided for the aircraft owner or operator., (6) For progressive inspections, the following or a similarly worded statement - I certify that in accordance with a progressive inspection program, a routine inspection of (identify whether aircraft or components) and a detailed inspection of (identify components) were performed and the (aircraft or components) are (approved or disapproved) for return to service. If disapproved, the entry will further state and a list of discrepancies and unairworthy items dated (date) has been provided to the aircraft owner or operator.. This advisory circular (AC) has been updated to reflect changes to Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 43, regarding preventive maintenance. (b) Rotorcraft. However, this paragraph does not authorize the performance of any inspection required by Part 91 or Part 125 of this chapter or any inspection performed after a major repair or alteration. Liquid Penetrant A typical preflight inspection is performed by ________ and would include________. (2) Bolts - for improper torquing and lack of safetying. (2) Wiring and conduits - for improper routing, insecure mounting, and obvious defects. defects. (e) The holder of an air carrier operating certificate or an operating certificate issued under Part 121 or 135, may approve an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part for return to service as provided in Part 121 or 135 of this chapter, as applicable. ___________ inspections are limited to surface crack detection in aircraft parts. Aircraft inspection checklists must be FAA approved. He shall thoroughly clean the aircraft and aircraft engine. 311 0 obj <>stream The method must deter the installation of the part after it has reached its life limit. (g) Except for holders of a sport pilot certificate, the holder of a pilot certificate issued under part 61 may perform preventive maintenance on any aircraft owned or operated by that pilot which is not used under part 121, 129, or 135 of this chapter. B. This should only be necessary once for each IP address you access the site from. For the purposes of this section the following definitions apply. (c) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this appendix, for a major repair or major al-teration made by a person authorized in 43.17, the person who performs the major re-pair or major alteration and the person au-thorized by 43.17 to approve that work shall execute an FAA Form 337 at least in dupli-cate. The mark must be accomplished in accordance with the instructions under 45.16 of this chapter in order to maintain the integrity of the part. Each person performing an inspection or other maintenance specified in an Airworthiness Limitations section of a manufacturer's maintenance manual or Instructions for Continued Airworthiness shall perform the inspection or other maintenance in accordance with that section, or in accordance with operations specifications approved by the Administrator under part 121 or 135, or an inspection program approved under 91.409(e). A stainless steel or titanium bulkhead known as a ___________ is used to isolate the ________ from the rest of the aircraft. Appendix D to Part 43Scope and Detail of Items (as Applicable to the Particular (a) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall, before that inspection 28 May 2020 D. DCN 3007. How is the pitch of the rotor blades changed in a rigid rotor system? Newton's third law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, is best demonstrated by: When air flows over the camber of a wing, the air velocity: An airfoil will maintain lift any time it has air moving across it, but: Leading edge flaps are ____________ of the trailing edge flaps. Access the most extensive library of templates available. (1) Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall use a checklist while performing the inspection. shall inspect (where applicable) the following components of the Each time the part is removed from a type certificated product, either a new tag or record must be created, or the existing tag or record must be updated with the current life status. The person performing the altimeter tests shall record on the altimeter the date and maximum altitude to which the altimeter has been tested and the persons approving the airplane for return to service shall enter that data in the airplane log or other permanent record. (xxi) Repairs involving the substitution of material. Each person performing the altimeter system tests and inspections required by 91.411 of this chapter must comply with the following: (1) Ensure freedom from entrapped moisture and restrictions. fuselage and hull group: (1) Fabric and skin - for deterioration, distortion, other (2) Each person approving a reciprocating-engine-powered aircraft for return to service after an annual or 100-hour inspection shall, before that approval, run the aircraft engine or engines to determine satisfactory performance in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations of -. (vi) Conversions of any sort for the purpose of using fuel of a rating or grade other than that listed in the engine specifications. (3) The listing of major alterations and major repairs specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of appendix A of this part is not applicable to products not produced under an FAA approval. Next Ensure the info you add to the wing or to fixed or control. 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