The law requires that these mandatory prison terms be served back-to-back (i . Although sentences of imprisonment for possession charges are becoming less common in Cook County (346 people were sent to prison for possession charges from Cook County in 2019, compared to 1,487 in 2012), imprisonment for drug possession charges, both before and after conviction, still costs Illinois taxpayers millions of dollars each year. 15 to 99 grams: Punishable by incarceration of four to 15 years. It is even rarer for police to find large amounts of drugs traffic stops only recover more than 100 grams of drugs in 0.02% of stops. Schedule I drugs are classified as the most likely to cause potentially severe physical or psychological dependence. Importantly, however, Illinois drug laws address several other controlled substances besides marijuana, including heroin, cocaine and even morphine. In general, felony fines are between $75 and $25,000, but some crimes may set different limits. Illinois drug laws address controlled substances that include heroin, cocaine and morphine, methamphetamine, fentanyl, LSD and peyote. 5/5-4.5-3, -50 (2019).). Distribution, manufacture or possession of drugs with the intent to deliver them carries harsher penalties (See 720 ILCS 5/570-401). ), (720 Ill. Comp. 5/12-3.05, 5/16-1, 646/60 (2020).). However, the penalties can vary greatly from state to state. Each year, lawmakers in Springfield will seek to add additional offenses to the list that are served at 85%. A Schedule I controlled substance is a substance that: 1) has high potential for abuse; and 2) has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or lacks accepted safety for use in treatment under medical supervision. Judges may not sentence anyone convicted of a Class X felony to periodic imprisonment, probation, or conditional release. When most people hear the words "drug trafficking," they imagine drug dealers or international drug smugglers; professional criminals who . Fine not more than $500,000 if an individual, $2 million if not an individual. The varying levels in regards to unlawful manufacturing (and the like) are due to several mitigating factors. As previously mentioned, the punishment for alleged drug crimes are not dictated solely be state law federal law may also come into play. Illinois could change its laws at any time. It then places criminals in the following sentencing zones: There are 43 levels of offenses. 7031 Koll Center Pkwy, Pleasanton, CA 94566. For example, in Illinois, possession of less than 1 gram of cocaine or heroin or morphine is a Class 4 felony, with a sentence of probation or 1 to 3 years in jail. That's another good reason to consult a lawyer if you're concerned about actual or potential criminal charges. Even though the actual manufacture of methamphetamine is the most common drug manufacturing charge, some states do not limit charges to a completed product, and you could face drug manufacturing sentences of up to 99 years in prison and fines of $25,000 or more for supplies. Being in possession of a Schedule 1 or 2 drugs is a felony offense and sentencing can range from 2 to 15 years on a first offense, longer for second . Stat. Statutory maximum generally is 20 years Five year mandatory minimum and maximum 40 years (21 USC 841 (b) (1) (B)) if: 5 grams or more of actual meth 28 grams or more of crack 50 grams or more of a mixture containing meth 40 grams or more of fentanyl 100 grams or more of heroin 10 grams or more of PCP using someone's credit or debit card without consent, selling stolen property online if it's worth $300 or less, and. Many of these crimes involve drugs. Data Notes (September 2022) This primer provides an overview of the statutes, sentencing guidelines, and case law applicable to federal drug offenses. Knowledgeable legal counsel can fully explain the differences between Illinois and federal criminal charges as well as any corresponding criminal penalties. For a second or subsequent offense, the offender will be charged with a felony, which is punishable by one to five years imprisonment and a maximum fine of $10,000. 570/402; 730 Ill. Comp. Schedule I drugs: opiates, certain opium derivatives, and hallucinogenic substances Schedule II drugs: coca leaves, oxycodone, codeine, and methamphetamine Schedule III drugs: buprenorphine, some steroids, and ketamine Schedule IV drugs: alprazolam, diazepam, and tramadol For this reason, this article is organized by offense level. Don't let yourself or your loved ones become one of these statistics. In Illinois, there are three types of crimes: petty offenses, misdemeanors, and felonies. 5/5-4.5-15, 5/5-7-1 (2020).). This means that possession, even of very small amounts of drugs, can lead to serious criminal legal system involvement. Board of Bar Overseers Number #552110. Possession of any other amount of a Schedule I or II narcotic (other than those discussed above) is a Class 4 felony, punishable by incarceration of one to three years and a fine of up to $25,000. (720 ILCS 570/203.) Drug offenses are the second most committed federal crime, second only to immigration offenses; they typically account for 30 percent of all federal crimes (while immigration crime accounts for 32 percent). The seriousness of the offenseresults in a higher level(and placement in a lower sentencing zone). Illinois residents age 21 and over may now legally purchase up to one ounce of flower (dried herb) and up to five grams of cannabis concentrate (such as hashish or tincture). Use the online contact form or call 312-443-1233. (720 Ill. Comp. The criminal statute of limitations in Illinois for felonies is generally three years from the time of the alleged crime. SS was at the NATO protest that took place in downtown Chicago. All Rights Reserved. 5/5-4.5-30 (2020). They also sought to establish diversion programs to direct people with substance use disorders to community-based treatment centers instead of prisons. Due to the seriousness of penalties and complexity of the laws, it is essential to get top-notch legal assistance if you are charged with any drug crimes. 570/402, 730 Ill. Comp. First Offense: Not more than 3 years. Stat. Illegal immigration (such as entering the country illegally or helping someone enter illegally), Are male (86.8 percent were male in 2012). Many opioid pain medications like Vicodin, OxyContin, and methadone. Marijuana Possession Laws in Georgia. The term is often confused with "drug distribution," but there is a clear distinction that separates these charges. Illinois statute groups possession with intent to deliver with delivery and manufacture of drugs, so that people charged with possession with intent face the same consequences as people charged with giving or selling drugs to another person. This includes: People currently required to serve 75% of the sentence imposed should be eligible to reduce length of stay to 50% - the same as incarcerated people not subject to truth in sentencing laws. Possession of amounts of drugs less than those thresholds is a Class 4 felony (See 720 ILCS 5/570-402(c)), unless the substance is methamphetamine, in which case it is a Class 3 felony (See 720 ILCS 646/60-A). The concept of intent to deliver has been broadly interpreted by courts, with factors that apply to nearly everyone, such as having a cell phone (People v. Thomas, 2019 IL App (2d) 160767 at P24), as well as factors that apply to many people that use drugs, such as having paraphernalia (People v. Berry 198 Ill. App. GLW had alleged, MA was arrested for felony possession of controlled substances after being arrested for taking a sledgehammer and breaking into his estranged wifes home. 5/5-4.5-45, 5/5-4.5-85 (2020).). Mandatory parole of three years. Generally, a Class 1 or Class 2 Felony Sentenced as a Class X under 730 ILCS 5/5-4.5-95 (b) if: Defendant is over the age of 21 years After having twice been convicted of a Class 2 or greater Class felony Separately brought and tried and Typically, the resulting sentences include penalties such as fines, five to ten years in prison, and occasionally require counseling. The possession of 30 grams or more of pentazocine, methaqualone, ketamine, or PCP is punishable by incarceration of four to 15 years and a fine of up to $25,000. (730 Ill. Comp. "Serious" non-violent crimes are usually felonies, such as burglary or drunk driving with children inside the vehicle. This suggests that the enforcement of drug laws is primarily affecting people who use drugs, and certainly not the kingpins that drug laws attempt to target. All Rights Reserved, Disclaimer| Site Map| Privacy Policy |Business Development Solutions by FindLaw, part of Thomson Reuters, Understanding White Collar Crimes In Illinois, Anyone found in possession of 15 grams or more of heroin, cocaine or morphine, but less than 100 grams, may be sentenced to 4 to 15 years in prison and fined up to $200,000, Anyone found in possession of 100 grams or more of heroin, cocaine or morphine, but less than 400 grams, may be sentenced to 6 to 30 years in prison and fined up to $200,000 or the full street value of the drug, whichever is greater, Anyone found in possession of 400 grams or more of heroin or cocaine, but less than 900 grams, may be sentenced to 8 to 40 years in prison and fined up to $200,000 or the full street value of the drug, whichever is greater, Anyone found in possession of 400 grams or more of morphine, but less than 900 grams, may be sentenced to 6 to 40 years in prison and fined up to $200,000 or the full street value of the drug, whichever is greater, Anyone found in possession of 900 grams or more of heroin, cocaine or morphine, may be sentenced to 10 to 50 years in prison and fined up to $200,000 or the full street value of the drug, whichever is greater, A prison sentence of 6 to 30 years, and a fine of up to $500,000, if the alleged crime involves 15 to 99 grams of heroin, cocaine or morphine, A prison sentence of 9 to 40 years, and a fine of up to $500,000 or the street value of the drug, if the alleged crime involves 100 to 399 grams of heroin, cocaine or morphine, A prison sentence of 12 to 50 years, and a fine of up to $500,000 or the street value of the drug, if the alleged crime involves 400 to 899 grams of heroin, cocaine or morphine, A prison sentence of 15 to 60 years, and a fine of up to $500,000 or the street value of the drug, if the alleged crime involves more than 900 grams of heroin, cocaine or morphine. Drug possession with intent to distribute. If convicted of a Texas drug crime, punishment ranges from Class B misdemeanor all the up to First Degree Felony. Zone B: Sentences range from 1 month to 15 months. Sami takes the time to learn about the specific facts and circumstances surrounding each case. The Initial Possession group were initially charged with Class 4 simple possession, and eventually pleaded to that same charge. List of Misdemeanor Charges There are many types of misdemeanor charges, which include but are not limited to the following list of misdemeanor charges: Disorderly conduct Domestic violence Driving with a loud car stereo DUI Harassment Loitering Minor in possession of a controlled substance Obstructing traffic Open container Personal injury Our team is committed to open communication and developing a strong relationship with each of our clients. Possession of marijuana, under one ounce, is a misdemeanor. Methamphetamine. 1 Marc Wolfe has been representing clients in criminal matters in Chicago and the entire State of Illinois for over 30 years. This law states that you can . Stat. While many federal drug crimes are also state crimes, some acts are considered criminal only at the federal level (for instance, marijuana is nowlegal in Coloradobut still deemed illegal by the U.S. government). Other offenses that would have become misdemeanors under the bill included possession of less than 5 grams of cocaine; less than five pills of most Schedule III substances, such as Xanax and Valium; or less than 40 pills of oxycodone or similar painkillers. Additionally, an attorney can help ensure your rights are protected and assist with determining what legal defenses you may have at your disposal, including defenses related to illegal searches and seizures. Identify the name of the drugs specified in the document and consult the schedules explained above. In some states, the information on this website may be considered a lawyer referral service. To get a sense of how that bill might affect drug arrests in Illinois, we looked at the dynamics of drug seizures, arrests, convictions, and incarcerations. 570/406.2, -408; 730 Ill. Comp. A-4368 would expand a municipal court conditional dismissal program to include those charged with some drug offenses and allow for the dismissal of those charges after one year's probation. 924(c). Mandatory Minimums for Drug Crimes Table 1 below describes the mandatory minimum sentencing provisions for various drug and drug-related offenses. The other is Gloria Van Winkle. 3d 24 at 29, (1990)), being considered evidence of intent. The U.S. The mandatory minimum sentences range from a low of 48 hours for a first offense of driving under the influence (DUI) if the offender is not sentenced to community service to a high of life without possibility of release or execution for a capital felony. Be aware, however, that court opinions affect how these laws are interpreted and applied. 5/5-4.5-40 (2020).). Possession of 50 - less than 100 kilograms is a felony punishable by a maximum sentence of 25 years imprisonment and a maximum fine of $500,000. Subsequent offenses can be punished by a Class 3 felony. What Is the Average Jail Time for Drug Possession? Stat. Due to his reputation for excellence, Attorney Nathan is available to consult with you and can explain how he is able to work within your budget. Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts Embark upon a path to recovery today. April Price, 41, 918 Maple St., trafficking in drugs, third-degree felony. About Us. The length of imprisonment and the criminal fine that can be imposed depends on the amount of the Schedule I or Schedule II drug in your possession. 5/5-4.5-60, -65 (2019).). A class 4 felony is punishable by: In addition to these five classes, there is a completely separate category for murder: Also, if certain aggravating factors are present, you may be sentenced to an extended prison term, which is generally about double the original sentence. A DUI Task Force led by Illinois State Police has been created to examine best practices for roadside testing. Offenses. The attorney listings on this site are paid attorney advertising. Illinois spends millions every year on processes that are systematically hurting Illinoisans especially Black Illinoisans and saddling them with incarceration and felony convictions for possession of less than a tablespoon of drugs. In Illinois (as in most states), crimes are considered felonies if the potential punishment includes at least a year in state prison (or the death penalty). 5/12-3.05 (2020). Illinois law groups felonies into different classes for purposes of sentencing. As mentioned above, Illinois has five felony classes. It required that a person convicted of a felony who has two or more prior convictions for certain offenses must be sentenced to at least 25 years to life in state prison, even if the third offense is nonviolent. A report from the National Drug Intelligence Center 14 estimated that the cost to society for drug use was $193 billion in 2007, a substantial portion of which$113 billionwas associated with drug related crime, including criminal justice system costs and costs borne by victims of crime. In a separate case, found guilty of possession of drugs, a third-degree . Out of about 8.5 million traffic stops made by police in Illinois from 2016 through 2019, only about 28,000 recovered more than 10 grams of drugs 0.3% of all stops. That bill would make possession of small amounts of substances a misdemeanor, rather than a felony. Stat. 5/5-4.5-10, 5/5-4.5-110, 5/5-5-3.2, 5/5-8-2 (2020). The . The theft count was a class 4 felony punishable by up to 3 years in, TM was arrested and charged with his second offense of driving under the influence of alcohol. They have the highest potential to be abused and no legitimate medical use in the U.S. The Department of Justice announced today new criminal charges, convictions, and sentences as part of its ongoing initiative to prosecute fraud in connection with various pandemic relief programs under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, including the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster This article concerns the unlawful possession of controlled substances. Despite the stated goals of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act and some politicians commitment in the last decade to decrease the harms of the war on drugs, Illinois continues to primarily use its drug laws to stop, arrest, and prosecute people for possessing small amounts of drugs. These rebounding numbers of prison sentences, at a time when the number of people being sent to prison statewide is decreasing, mean that Illinois may be spending millions of dollars incarcerating people for possessing small amounts of drugs for years to come. When youre up against criminal charges, youre facing something that can change your life. But in the small minority of cases where they do search peoples things, police find drugs in only about 1-in-5 traffic stop searches (22%) and about 1-in-6 pedestrian searches (16%). We will answer all your questions and make sure you fully understand the facts surrounding your case and what you need to know about Illinois drug laws. 30 N. LaSalle Street This is important, as our findings challenge a common misconception that traffic stops regularly intercept large amounts of drugs moving to dealers to be sold in drug markets. were drug offenders and 72.3% of those were convicted of an offense carrying a mandatory minimum. unlawful purchase (or attempted purchase) of a firearm. There is no statistically significant difference between races in rates of reported drug use. Call (888) 744-0069 Helpline Information 292 months of imprisonment, 10-year term of supervised release (June 6, 1997); amended to 188 months . Common examples include: Regardless of the classification, the process for a felony charge is handled the same way, and proceeds through the following steps: Any class of felony is a serious offense with severe criminal penalties. Illinois considers not only well-known drugs like LSD, heroin, and cocaine to be controlled substances, but also the compounds used to manufacture them. Even a first-time offender without a criminal background is subject to a mandatory prison sentence for a Class X felony. 5/9-2, 5/11-1.20, 5/19-1, 5/19-3 (2020). A class 2 felony is a serious offense, including such crimes as criminal transmission of HIV. However, the sentence can also be enhanced for "serious" crimes. Class X Felony. Our goal is always to minimize the negative impact of the situation and to focus on protecting your freedoms, liberties and rights. The vast majority of this group was involved in drug trafficking (96%), while only 0.8% were serving time for possession in 2013. Stat. As a result of this act: Although marijuana has been legalized, violations of the new law are still taken seriously in Illinois, as are DUI and other drug-crime offenses. A Breakdown of Illinois Felony Charges and Penalties, Clergy or Priest Molestation and Sexual Abuse, Prior criminal convictions of the defendant, especially for similar crimes. Repeat offenses. These drug laws also disproportionately impact Black Illinoisans. While it is no longer a crime to possess marijuana within legally established limits (410 ILCS 705/10-10), possession of a controlled substance is a felony offense, involving incarceration for one year or more. committing a felony (except for certain especially serious crimes) while armed with a gun. After a defendant pleads guilty or is convicted of a felony, the judge will impose one or more of the penalties allowed under Illinois law for that class of crime, including: Except for life sentences, every sentence of imprisonment must also include a period of mandatory supervised release (known as parole in most states) after the defendant has served the time in prison. A statute of limitations is a time limit for filing a legal casein the case of criminal proceedings, for filing charges. What dictates a federal drug crime from a state drug crimecan vary. The defense of a person charged with possession of controlled substance is often difficult, but not impossible. Besides a prison sentence, having a felony on your record can make it difficult to get a job, obtain a professional license, or get into certain educational programs, such as law school or nursing school. About half of the federal prison population is serving time for drug offenses. unauthorized possession of a blank or altered prescription form. Any amount . Those convicted for possession of 30 to 500 grams may petition for expungement. Selling 70 grams or more of substances containing PCP: base offense level 22. The following charges are Class X felonies in Illinois: Aggravated kidnapping, 720 ILCS 5/10-2. 924(c)).There are also mandatory minimum sentences of 25 years for each subsequent conviction. Fines can go massively high with some charges-such as $500,000 per count-and even a first-time offender could be facing up to ten years in prison. The legal limit for cannabis-infused products, such as edibles or tinctures, is 500 milligrams of THC. Class 2 felonies include: aggravated domestic battery (causing severe injury or involving strangulation) robbery, and In addition to the periods of incarceration listed above, a defendant convicted of a crime involving 100 grams or more may be fined an additional $200,000 or the street value of the drug, whichever is greater. Privacy Policy | SiteMap. Stat. 1) Convicted of a controlled substance offense. These crimes include: First Degree Murder; Rape; Forcible sex offenses in concert with another person; Forcible lewd and lascivious acts on a child under 14 years of age; Forcible penetration by a foreign object; and. Her crime was possessing one-sixteenth of an ounce of cocaine, equivalent to less than two artificial sweetener packets. 5/5-5-3 (2019).). 15 - 100 grams (at least 4 but no more than 15 years in prison) 100 - 400 grams (at least 6 but no more than 30 years in prison) 400 - 900 (at least 8 but no more than 40 years in prison) ), In addition to a sentence of imprisonment and/or probation, judges may order convicted defendants to pay a fine and/or restitution to their victims for their financial losses resulting from the crime. A Class 4 felony is usually punishable by: Crimes that are designated as felonies but aren't given a classification are considered Class 4 felonies. Thats why, if you are accused of these types of charges Lake County prosecutors charged SN, an Illinois Tollway operator, with two felony counts of theft over $500 and official misconduct. Only 0.9% of pedestrian stops resulted in finding more than 10 grams of drugs. He was caught with large amounts of cocaine, TH was charged with battery after being arrested for allegedly hitting an 8 year old child suffering from autism in front of two witnesses. Misdemeanors are divided into three classes: Class A, B, and C. Class C misdemeanors are the least serious drug possession crimes. They are punishable by anywhere between one year and life imprisonment. Therefore, it is important to understand the different punishment ranges for the different degrees of offense: He has handled numerous state and federal cases, and is known throughout the Chicago and Rolling Meadows area for providing his clients with high-quality, skilled representation. See all 50 state penalties for involuntary manslaughter in detail below. ), In August 2020, Illinois enacted a law that makes it a Class 3 felony to attack a retail worker who's relaying the store's health and safety policies or the rules, guidelines, or recommendations issued by a public health agency during an emergency or disastersuch as requirements for wearing a face mask or practicing social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be particularly challenging to comprehend all of the criminal statutes related to the possession and/or distribution of drugs. Those mandated by law to serve at least 85% of their sentences should be eligible to reduce the time served to around 72% of the sentence. If someone is caught selling PCP and violence is involved, the crime will usually have a level that is increased by two, to 24. White. 5/16-30, 5/16-40, 5/17-38, 570/406.2 (2020). Schedule I drugs have the highest potential for abuse and no accepted medical use, while Schedule V drugs have the lowest abuse potential and a currently accepted medical use. Unless the defendant committed the crime while serving probation for a previous felony, judges may impose a sentence of probation or conditional discharge for up to four years. Only the Attorney General of the United States has the authority to seek the death penalty. The measure would have: This defelonization bill failed to pass in the Illinois General Assembly. Then read below to learn about possible charges and sentences. (730 Ill. Comp. 5/5-4.5 (2019).). These laws criminalize the distribution, manufacturing, and possession of all illegal drugs. Possession of 900 grams or more may carry a sentence of 10 to 50 years in prison and fine of up to $200,000 or the full street value of the drug, whichever is greater. Stat. Cultivation of fewer than five plants is a misdemeanor for a first offense, which is punishable by a maximum sentence of 12 months imprisonment and a maximum fine of $500. However, just like Illinois law, federal drug laws are extremely complex and difficult to navigate, which is why it is typically best to seek the counsel of an experienced drug-crime defense attorney if you are facing drug charges. The next level is misdemeanors, which are punishable by up to one year in jail. Stat. What Does Second Degree Manslaughter Mean? #220 Zone B: Sentences range from 1 month to 15 months. DUIs and hit-and-run accidents are two separate crimes in Illinois. (730 Ill. Comp. Stat. Entanglements with the law are just some of the many devastating consequences people face while struggling with a substance abuse problem. (720 Ill. Comp. The new mandatory minimum sentencing laws created a rise in prison populations due to drug charges. Finally, the most serious category of offenses is felonies. If you are convicted of a repeat Class 1 felony within 10 years, the court must impose the minimum period of incarceration allowed for that crime and cannot order conditional discharge, probation, or periodic imprisonment (also called "weekend" imprisonment). Class 1 felonies in Illinois are punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000. Statistics based on prior month's data -- Retrieving Inmate Statistics. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Aggravating and Mitigating Factors for Sentencing Under the bill, possession of less than 3 grams of heroin would be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by a jail sentence of less than one year. ), First-degree murder is in its own class of felony in Illinois. Overall, the number of people being incarcerated in IDOC for drug-related crimes is falling in Cook County; however, in Central and Southern Illinois, admissions to IDOC for drug-related charges are actually rising, driven largely by an increase in incarcerations for possession and delivery of methamphetamine charges in those areas. (720 Ill. Comp. Sentencing Commission has reported a reincarceration rate of just 4% for those age 65 and older. Delaying can only make your situation worse, so contact us online or call our offices today to schedule your free initial consultation at 630-305-0222. We offer a free consultation to discuss the individual circumstances of your case and determine the best way to proceed. The Initial Enhancement group were originally charged with Class 1 or 2 delivery/possession with intent to deliver charges, where small amounts of drugs were found, but eventually pleaded to reduced charges of Class 4 simple possession. We found that: In the current system, allowing police and prosecutors to choose whether to charge deliver/possession with intent or simply possession when the initial police encounter for most people charged involves only small amounts of drugs ultimately increases penalties for people charged with drug possession and decreases access to diversion programs. 5/5-4.5-45, -50 (2019).). Purchase ( or attempted purchase ) of a blank or altered prescription form not impossible, can to! ( and the like ) are due to several mitigating factors Texas drug crime a! Month & # x27 ; s data -- Retrieving Inmate statistics anyone convicted of an ounce of cocaine equivalent... How these laws criminalize the distribution, manufacturing, and possession of marijuana, under one ounce, a! Into play criminal statute of limitations is a misdemeanor life imprisonment be particularly challenging to comprehend of! Crimes: petty offenses, misdemeanors, and C. 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