He told about how if he saw a certain preacher lying beside a woman with his mouth on hers, he would assume he was giving mouth- to-mouth resuscitation. Jerry Kaifetz recounts when he was an integral part of Hyles Big Days. He said that Hyles would cook the numbers of won souls over and over again. 12) Jack Hyles relationship with his wife was a distant one. One victim had her tires slashed. But I would say this to anyone reading this post: theyre bad people that work at WalMart but Im not going to stop shopping there. One former Hyles student said of him we basically thought he was a big eye in the sky. Another witness who attended Pastors School said that Hyles yelled out to the crowd, What are ya? Jack Hyles not only hid his sons sins but sent him to be a ticking time bomb as pastor at that church. Then came the weekend, but if I thought Id actually get to see my husband, I had another thing in store for me. Kaifetz believed Schaap must have had an appetite for pornography. After they found out about it they removed him from the ministry, but when questioned about exercising Biblical church discipline, they remained silent. Charged with child molesting a 15-year-old girl. Jack Hyles daughter, Linda Hyles Murphrey, confirms that Jack Schaap perpetuated Hyles legacy, the strict rules, the undying loyalty, and that Schaap still tried to keep all the secrets of Hyles. Hyles points out that God makes you sin for good because if you continued without sinning, youd get too prideful. He and his brother decided to punish an 11-year-old boy for cheating during his Bible studies. In all my years in Hyles church I was NEVER able to find ONE person whom Jack Hyles personally led to the Lord, even in his own fraudulent way. SHELDON STOTMEISTER HYLES -ANDERSON GRADUATE / FORMER PASTOR OF CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH IN DUBUQUE, IA, Accused of having exploited a woman during counseling in order to have a sexual relationship with her. JOHN BROTHERS JUNIOR FORMER YOUTH PASTOR AT HYLAND BAPTIST CHURCH IN HENDERSON, KY. Charged with sixteen counts of sexual assault on a child and two counts of first-degree sexual abuse with two members of the youth group. The HAC student had expressed many opinions about Hyles with one being Jack Hyles isnot to be questioned, criticized or spoken ill of A former HAC student said, I was surprised at the cult-view people had of Jack Hyles. He taught that critical decisions could not be made without him. Jesus is still on the throne. The juvenile residents knew about Wilsons anger problem. Schaap unsuccessfully petitioned the court from prison in 2014 that despite being a married man with children, it was he who was seduced and dominated by a teenage girl. Im so glad Jesus sent you by to tell us what to write and read. So you gave up the faith you once believed in? Many of these churches are covering up thesins of these perverts. He wrote to U.S. District Court officials last year he has no more family in Indiana and would move to Michigan where his parents were living. I am quite happy to be numbered among those Evangelicals believe are headed hell. Got thrown in prison for 22yrs. Was charged for committing a lewd act on a child under 16. He promoted Jack Hyles, not Jesusand all that I found was self-righteousness. A longtime member of FBCH reviewed the book and said of Hyles, After listening to his sermons 3 times a week for 20 some years, I can tell you that in most cases, he was exalted and not Him [Jesus]. Another man who was brought up in the Fundamental movement proclaimed, The issue is the worship of a man and the philosophies of men It is time for us to get back to the God-Man and not a man no matter how good they may be or appear to be. And another HAC Graduate said, I can attest to much of the manipulation and idolatry that came from this organization. Paula, Daves first wife, said that Jack Hyles knew about his sons sins even when he put him on staff in FBCH. (Jerry Kaifetz p 78; Testimony of a student of FBCH schools and of HAC, a graduate of HAC and the seminary, a HAC Graduate, a witness to the FBCH bus ministry, a convert of FBCH, 1/6/99, 9/23/02, 9/23/02, 11/3/02 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm; Amazon Book Reviews: Fundamental Seduction December 30, 2012 by Tara Lohman; The Hyles Effect by David Cloud p 78-86 Dr. Jack Hyles Enemies of Soulwinning Chapter 4; Repentance and Soulwinning by David Cloud p 16-17). In this clip, we see the college girls idolizing Hyles by singing a song to him saying, We love you preacher, oh yes we do, we dont love ANYONE as much as you (Starting at 1:53-3:05), EYEWITNESSES #12-55: FOURTY-FOUR INDEPENDENT EYEWITNESSES TESTIFY ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH FBCH/HAC, Many witnesses of FBCH/HAC posted their testimonies at these links: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/, Amazon Book Reviews: Fundamental Seduction http://www.amazon.com/Fundamental-Seduction-Jack-Hyles-Case/product-reviews/0962853186/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_summary?ie=UTF8& showViewpoints=1&sortBy=byRankDescending, Amazon Book Reviews: Profaned Pulpit http://www.amazon.com/Profaned-Pulpit-Schaap-Story-Volume/product-reviews/1479180297/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_summary?ie=UTF8& showViewpoints=1&sortBy=byRankDescending. Jack Hyles constantly bragged about himself, convincing his listeners of his greatness, sacrifice, and indomitable will. All the alleged victims were poor children that were bussed to church by Foeller. A history. Its a shame we dont put to death adulterous men like they did in the Old Testament, then Cindy wouldnt have to go through a divorce, she would be a widow and could remarry on her own accord. He preached to Hyles-Anderson College students, I dont want anybody in this ministry to speak evil of any man. Jack Hyles was a very prideful man who elevated himself constantly before his followers. Charged with 16 counts of sexual indecent with children and molesting young girls. They kept the matter private until the last possible moment. Cindy and her husband Jack Schaap saw their kingdom come, however, when Jack Schaap was sentenced to 12-years in prison for having sex with a 16-year-old, whom he was offering "pastoral" counseling. Hyles didnt speak about her in any enduring way from the pulpit. They would work and study on ridiculous schedules. And some would become physically ill because of the demands. Jack Hyles sent his son Dave to his old church, Miller Road Baptist Church in Texas, to be a pastor there in order to cover-up his sons serial adulteries at FBCH. http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2012/01/one_year_in_jail_for_former_pa.html http://jeriwho.net/lillypad2/?cat=124, TIMOTHY LEE LEONARD HYLES-ANDERSON GRADUATE AND FORMER ASSOCIATE PASTOR OF NORTH SHARON BAPTIST CHURCH IN WASHTENAW COUNTY, MI, Charged with 11 counts of first and second degree child sexual assault. . The Bible is clear that repentance and faith are two different things with both being necessary for Salvation (Mark 1:15, Acts 20:21, Hebrews 6:1). http://prev.dailyherald.com/story/?id=243539&src=2, ERNEST WILLIS MEMBER OF TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH IN CONCORD, NH, Convicted for forcibly raping his 15 year old teenage babysitter twice whom he knew through his church. Jack Hyles was one of the greatest promoters of Quick Prayerism. He permitted his son to go to the church he had once pastored, to people he once loved, and allowed his son to wreak havoc and destruction. Or is that why we look at other peoples garbage so we dont have to see our own? SCHAAP WRONGFULLY AND PROFANELY SEXUALIZED BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. Interpretation of that verse varies, both fornication and adultery are sexual immorality. I taught Cindy in school. Church leadership expressed no sympathy for Vargos alleged victims. Hyles could afford to buy all these houses for all of the pastors and upper management staff. He showered other preachers, who came in to speak, with expensive gifts, like a new car to John Rice, but could not afford copy paper for the school, could not afford new books for the kids in school, could not afford carpeting, gym equipment, school supplies, and worse, could not pay the teachers enough to prevent them from having to work two jobs. The million dollar question is this: where are all of those souls? 1:9, Revelation 2:21, 9:20-21, 16:11) . 6) Every Sunday when Jack Hyles preaches, he has his wife behind him in the choir on his right, and directly on his left, he has his reputed mistress, Jennie Vischik, in the choir. I said yes out of politeness, but it was all so fast. Hyles would have books on how to raise children. A person receives the body of Christ. Judy, Vic and Jennies daughter, would constantly hear her mother end her long conversations with Hyles with a soft, tender, and intimate I love you, throughout her life. Bob Gray, Sr, the author of When Principle Was King: The Life Principles of Dr. Jack Hyles, was featured at a Bible conference in April 2012 at Faith Baptist Church, Oak Creek, WI. It showed me that people at FBC were vindictive and would do anything to punish people even lie. Another former HAC student said, The inappropriate behavior of Jack Hyles is overwhelming. No other church has denounced Daniels. Even with allegations, he remained as pastor for many years at Miamis Grace Baptist Church and Academy in Florida and after he acknowledged his guilt, and was sentenced for one-year probation, he still continued to be pastor of Grace Baptist without any church discipline. If one is bitter could that not be a stepping stone on the road to healing and recovery. ABOVE) ARE FULL OF DUNG UNLESS &-OR UNTIL YOU ALL GET +++BORN-AGAIN+++ SPIRITUALLY ACCORDING TO THE TRUE KING JAMES HOLY BIBLE ala ST. JOHN CHAPTER THREE (3) VERSES 1-16 ! Numbers were extremely important to Hyles and his soul-winning clubs and he and his leaders would place such a great emphasis on those numbers. (a girl who was a member of the church and Schaap was counseling her) For more information on Jack Schaap, please read the Chicago Magazine article, Let Us Prey: Big Hyles took Jennie and 3 other women on a Hawaiian vacation without Hyles wife, Jennies husband, or any male chaperon. Neither Jennie nor Hyles had seen Vic committing adultery with a woman. Ed Nelson, former pastor of South Sheridan Baptist Church in Denver, Colorado, wrote Jack Hyles a letter asking him to give an answer for all the scandalous rumors. He kept men who should be responsible in the dark. He had previous charges for sexual assault, use of a prostitute, and illegal handgun possession. One is Joy Ryder and the other is Nanette Miles. 6. New Zealand is just eight days away from successfully eliminating Covid-19. If not then boot his hiney out the door. Currently, Schaap is petitioning to have his sentence overturned. I pray this post is a blessing to someone, in Jesus name, amen. 39 of them were former pastors, 14 of them had important leadership positions in the church. http://vimeo.com/64954749 (starting at 23:47). LGBTG community in there church there nothing wrong about gay people at all if gay people want to join a Baptist church without being denied. He would kill you. Jerry Kaifetz also said that Jack Schaap was vulgar beyond description in staff meetings, and profane in the pulpit. She was disturbed by the mind control over thousands and thousands of people. So, youre an apostate. You are going away from believing, and you decide to turn around and believe. She said that her sister and her saw these girls come to church on Sunday morning with bruised faces and bleeding lips, and that the children often look worse. Jack Schaap has been caught up in what many are calling an "adultery scandal" and was fired this week. So Mary committed adultery with the Holy Ghost. The truth is that those statistics are devoid of spirituality reality, and the bragging is sin. They bring him a wheel barrow full of cash. The pastor and church continue to support him. He made people believe Dave Hyles was great spiritually. He was so injured that he spent a week in intensive care and needed a blood transfusion. A truth, by the way, that is considered by many Christians to be a misunderstanding of the text. Hyles made thousands of buttons for his followers to wear that said Hyles 100% Support. Fear and rejection by Hyles was the driving force that fostered complete obedience and unquestioned loyalty. His followers were blindly loyal to him. Youre not fit to be a deacon in a Baptist church. Sermon: This Is Not Your Rest, preached 1-13-1979. Police found a rape kit that serial rapist use in his car so he could subdue, terrorize, bind, and rape victims he wanted to find. You are an intelligent man, and I can respect your view points with the hope that I can counter your arguments with intelligent, spiritual reasoning. Where am I going to move you? Where are we going to get him another job? Where can we put him to make him a success quickly? Hyles wouldnt promise Paula hed counsel with Dave or anything, but was focused on damage control. Many mothers have hurt their family by smirking her responsibilities as a mother and wife and even stretched her endurance beyond her limits. His church honored him for being ordained just a few months after his arrest. Hyles also liked to make a big show of what his soul-winning efforts would do in the future. In January 2013,Chicago Magazineran a front-page report entitled Let Us Prey: Big Trouble at First Baptist Church, documenting ten cases of sexual crimes and fornications committed by pastors associated with First Baptist. The District Attorney described a 26-year pattern of her complicity, saying she turned a blind eye, but knew of her husbands propensity toward these types of acts. Posted bail and remained free throughout his trial and during his efforts to delay sentencing. IFB churches seem to be involved in scandals (far too often) and shouldnt the hypocrisy of the leadership be exposed? A cleaning crew caught him in the act. A U.S. District Court judge in Chicago dismissed her suit last year on grounds the civil damages Ryder was seeking against the church wasnt permitted under federal laws on which her case relied. A second victim came forward that alleged that he was molested when he was 10 years old. . Each of them was accused of sexual misconduct (along with sundry other scandals). The victim alleged that he was sexually assaulted when he was 7 and it continued for several years when he was at the childrens home. I said I do not believe it. And with all the dont listen to gossip messages you have a perfect recipe for permitting someone in the church to commit immoral acts and escape punishment. this. The church called the boy a liar and the instigator of his own rape. 10 members of the churchs board of directors and Settlemoirs wife, one of the teachers, knew about the molestations but failed to stop them. In fact he told my ex that he didnt want to get involved. That didnt stop him MANY times before. I dont want to put risk on anyone, and also, want to respect the current mandates and CDC recommendations. The church continued to defend him and shelter him. micu module honda odyssey January 19, 2023 jack schaap net worth . But not believing it can have a significant impact on our lives. Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison for Attempted Child Rape, Black Collar Crime: Missionary Baptist Pastor James Smith II, Accused of Defrauding Church to Support His Drug Habit, Black Collar Crime: Southern Baptist Pastor Kenneth Ken Daniels Accused of Sexually Abusing Children, Short Stories: The Chapel Library Tape Lending Library, How Evangelical Conditioning and Indoctrination Influences Revivals, Black Collar Crime: Evangelical Pastor Stricjavvar Strick Strickland Sentenced to One Year in Jail for Facilitation of Travel Services for Purposes of Prostitution, Update: Black Collar Crime: Southern Baptist Pastor James Rankin Pleads Guilty to Possession of Child Pornography, Black Collar Crime: Evangelical Pastor Daniel Merrick Charged with Possessing Child Pornography, Blames Wife for His Crimes, A Love Story About Bruce and Polly Gerencser, Written by AI. To tell us what to write and read place such a great emphasis on those numbers of him basically. 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