If you ever feel a chest cold coming on or just feel like crap.make your own Quinine. That doesnt mean we cant make good wine that way. 2 grams Ceylon soft-stick cinnamon, broken by hand into small pieces 30 grams lemon peel, peeled with a vegetable peeler 30 grams grapefruit peel, peeled with a vegetable peeler 400 grams sugar 500 milliliters water To make the tincture: Dissolve the powdered cinchona bark in the vodka. Then you can add some more water, boil it down, and strain it out. Let cool for 2 hours, then strain and pour in glass container (s). I looked at all those nice skins and wondered what I could do with them. Peel of 3 grapefruit and 3 lemons RaySolution: How I Discovered the Benefits of Quinine. Not sure if the acidity (if there is any from the lemons) would be harmful to ones lungs. Or idid i get it somehow wrong? You can also get it as a lemon. Indulge in freshly squeezed grapefruit and orange juice daily. You can add lemon juice, grapefruit juice, and lemon juice and still end up with grapefruit. I always smelled my quinine before using. I saw one comment on this, but not a conclusive answer. Grapefruit peels are a powerful anti-inflammatory. Do you take it daily without being sick ? I use little silicon trays to freeze any excess lemon juice which I love to drink every morning in my cup of tea. 6. Much health to you! No preservatives, sugar or bad stuff. Ahh maybe I could make a marmalade out of them. I am a Master Herbalist myself and there is nothing I hate more than natural minded people taking advantage of others whobare in need and scared. Hi Glenn, Oh Miranda I did it very simply indeed. If you take zinc with this recipe, the zinc propels the quinine into your cells for a much faster healing. Yes, its the peel from organic grapefruit, but you can also eat the pulp or juice the rest of the grapefruit and drink it alongside the heated peels. OR YOU CAN MAKE A TEA OUT OF IT AND DRINK IT ALL DAY. To put this into perspective: A 1-liter bottle of tonic water (about 34 ounces) has 83 milligrams . HERE IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO TO MAKE YOUR VERY OWN QUININE..TAKE THE RIND OF 2-3 LEMONS, 2-3 GRAPEFRUITS. Answer From Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. HCQ is made in a lab while this is just the natural alternative. Furanocoumarins. Or, if you prefer convenience, you can do as I have doneorder quinine online here: https://tophatprovisions.com/collections/batching-syrups-craft-concentrates/products/top-hat-east-india-tonic-syrup-single-32oz. To make quinine syrup: In covered saucepan, combine water, powdered cinchona bark, citric acid, lime zest, lemon zest, orange zest, lemongrass, salt and lavender. For the grapes, you can use whatever fruit you want, like red grapes, yellow grapes, or even blue grapes, but the author said that you can also use red grape juice, white grape juice, or even grape juice. Wondering if one couldnt waterbath can the liquid to preserve it? My warning: Sweppes tonic water usually is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup or some other toxic sweetener. However, research suggests that newer treatments may eventually. Much health to you! If you want to try and change the flavor of sodawater than you could try but it will probably be a very different flavor than you are hoping for as quinine has a very distinct flavou. The blocks shown here are some ginger juice that were already in the freezer. But, you need to back off the amount you are taking. But there are other things they might prefer like Fennel tea make it fairly strong and keep in fridge. ?? I will try the marmalade maybe with cinnamon and cloves . I regularly juice ginger and squeeze excess supplies of lemons and freeze them in ice cubes. Image: Gardening KnowHow Quinine is found in grapefruit, tonic water and the cinchona tree. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. Mission Possible World Health Intl I totally get you, although we are scattered all over the world, we all do our best to lighten up the minds of others and bring relief through knowledge. Adding honey is fine of-course, but make sure the honey is not heated above what your finger can tolerate when added to the drink. It is made out of the peelings of Grapefruits and Lemons, but especially Grapefruits. Fever is the bodys way to signal inflammation (viral or bacterial), hence it is not the problem per se (when its not very high), but a natural mechanism to bring our attention that theres something going on in the body, that our immune system is fighting against. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Hello Im wondering what the exact daily dose is? I caught shedding from my nail technician the same day she had a 2nd booster from the jab and she also had a nasty flu shot the same day. Helped me to understand not only how it works, but also how to get it (comments are very helpful). I am unable to find any information about lemon containing Quinine. Is regular old quinine water from the store also effective? 12. . 7. I have not been able to find any with plain sugar or any that is unsweetened, where I might add my own sweetener. Hi Helen, https://mouthfulmatters.com/suramin-contained-in-these-unusual-foods-and-spices/ DO NOT TAKE THE LID OFF OF THE POT TILL IT COOLS COMPLETELY AS THIS WILL ALLOW THE QUININE TO ESCAPE IN THE STEAM. How much hqc to tonic water? n plus, pentru o sntate de fier este recomandat o diet n care s primeze fructele i legumele proaspete, alimentele ct mai naturale i mai puin procesate, ap curat din belug, aer curat i expunerea moderat la soare. In addition, rubbing grapefruit peels over mosquito bites or inflamed skin can provide relief. Somehow I dont think the pharmacists have a pot boiling out the back, do you? I have made a number of batches of quinine and frozen it into ice cubes. Apart from the added sugar it should be pretty good for you to have on occasion. The other thing you can do to get a little more quinine is to throw in some crushed ice and boil it down. Maybe you could give a very, very mild dose to start with and then increase as 1) they show no reaction and 2) they become more accustomed to the taste. I believe the dried peels should work well because as you say, you cant always source fresh. The Jesuit missionaries discovered the antimalarial properties of quinine in the 17th century and prepared the drug, which was then called the bark of the Jesuits. Studies have shown that its successor chloroquine, respectively hydroxychloroquine can have great results against malaria. I love it, but I am not a fan of the A perfect appetizer for a light-weight shrimp salad, horseradish sauce is often used as an alternative to mayonnaise, which is often a little sour Write for Us Cocktail Recipes, Drinks & Spirits, Funny welcome mats: Its Not as Difficult as You Think, The Worst Advice Weve Ever Heard About bourbon and rum cocktail. Grapefruit contains quinine-like substances, which in turn are effective in treating malaria. If you want to continue with the process, youll need to buy a little more water, and it will take a bit longer. BEHIND THE SCENE STUDIES ARE NOW COMING FORTH THAT SHOW IT BEING EFFECTIVE OTHER DISEASES AS WELL AND EVEN ON CANCERS. There may be intermittent downtime over this duration. Btw can children take this too? The outer layer of the bark is brown-gray, and the inner layer is reddish-brown. Thanks, Marilyn. I hope this information here will empower you, even more, to be safe and sound. Im drinking the Q Spectacular tonic water. Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder I dont know what the heck it is other than, its NOT good whats in the vial!! IF YOU TAKE ZINC WITH THIS RECIPE, THE ZINC PROPELS THE QUININE INTO YOUR CELLS FOR A MUCH FASTER HEALING. WHAT IS HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE EXACTLY? Bless you for your wisdom, for helping us know we are not alone! Salut, Mika! I already have a number of batches of organic lemon rinds sitting in my freezer. It is only natural that the msm etc debunk it as that is what they do. Heat up 1 grapefruit and eat its pulp. (here). This is because it destroys the benefits of the honey. I cant thank you enough for this article. Shikimic acid in pine needles, but much more in Star anise. There appears to be varied opinions on this. . "Hydroxychloroquine is made by chemical synthesis 'in the lab.' It has never been reported as a natural product from any plant or animal." Acuma, avnd n vedere situaia ta medical, i recomand s consuli un medic naturopat care s-i spun exact ce s iei ca i prevenie pentru c noi nu facem recomandri medicale pe site, acest site este doar de informare. Hi Tracy, in this guide to herbal meds he gives a table indicating suggested safe doses. Take a glass of water and fill it with a bunch of grapes.3. The tree bark is harvested in autumn from trees that are at least 6 years old. Mine is a little syrupy but I wouldnt in any way call it thick. Is it totally ruined if I took the lid off before it cooled? Can children take it everyday? 770 242-2599 I need to make more. This is why the tonic water recipe makes use of cubed citrus peels because they release their essential oils into the tonic water. Your mind creates your reality, so work at the reality where you are healthy, safe, and protected. Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that hydroxychloroquine can be made at home using grapefruit and lemon rinds. 95 ($0.25/Count) The Analysis After. The longer Im exposed, the worse I feel! More Powerful Immune System Boosters By Using Essential Oils! Ive found the right ingredients and have them on hand whenever I want a drink. Hi Andy! I hope it maintains the healing powers. Hi Honey, About 1 tablespoon every hour together with a zinc tablet to bring up phlegm etc. Thanks for this post and the great pictures that accompanied it! I saw a recipe for a virus treatment. I love grapefruit and lemon because it is the natural root of summer. The individual filming the content tells users to have two tablespoons of the juice per day. Its more important to use organic citrus fruits, than what citrus fruits you use, because pesticides build up in their peel. 6. My husband cannot take grapefruit. Much health to you! Mike Adams Health Ranger has suggested adding 10% vodka to liquid extracts to help preservation, avoid going off. Good on you! Leave about 6 of room on top to re-seal it if needed. In my research, I came across a recipe by one of the greats of the quinine era, Johnnie Walker. If we had symptoms we would up that of-course. It felt like my insides were on fire. I would advise you to use it anyway. I wonder if someone on blood thinners is ok to use it. Opt for a clean label tonic water that doesnt come loaded with preservatives, sugars, or harmful sugar substitutes. ? After two hours take the lid off and remove the large pieces of grapefruit, then add 3 tablespoons of Manuka honey and stir to dissolve. We refuse to take any other prescripts and our PA has finally accepted our decisions. Take the peel only and cover it with water about 3 inches above the peels. TAKE 1 TABLESPOON EVERY COUPLE OF HOURS TO BRING UP THE PHLEGM FROM YOUR LUNGS. Janet Ossebaard who compiled the Fall of the Cabal is one who came into contact with v/a/x people and immediately became quite sick. Im just expressing my experiences. Im thinking you might be better going to one of the other ideas such as Pine Needle Tea or a tea made from Star Anise or Fennel. Take 2 large grapefruit and chop into small segments. Sure! I cannot believe that somehow I missed answering this post. Repeat 3 more times with fresh water. Of-course along with this, eat good, drink good lots of veggies, wholesome fruits etc and cut down on sugar consumption. We can. If you take prescription medication, ask your doctor or pharmacist whether . That is the very first thing that attracted me to this company they are actively involved. Not liking to use much sugar, I decided to go ahead with the exercise anyway. Found your site when researching what in the heck does grapefruit have to do with HCQ! It sounds like you have found your way on how to take it. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A BIG KEPT SECRETBUT TRUMP BLEW THAT FOR THEM RIGHT AWAY. Not everyone has access to Hydroxychloroquine and if you love to make your own tonics this is definitely for you: The tonic we have made up is pretty strong and bitter. 12 Top Notch Ways to Spend Your Money, Funny welcome mats: Its Not as Difficult as You Think, The Worst Advice Weve Ever Heard About bourbon and rum cocktail. As a preventative, that is the amount I take but if any symptoms of any kind were to come along then I would definitely up the dose. Hi, I believe its many months. We dont sell any products on this website, hence we do not set the prices for the products we recommend. As its almost impossible to stay clear of all the jabb/ed, its wiser for us to make sure we are continually building our immune systems strong. There are no rules in the grapefruit world either. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. i thought all of the skin went into a pot. The bark of this tree is one of the highest natural sources of quinine in the world. Can ths drink be frozen in the jar? A Facebook post claims that "Quinine is Hydroxychloroquine". Yes. I have made a couple of batches and I have put locally grown honey in the tonic for taste purposes. It took several hours. She is passionate about herbal medicine and she believes in the natural healing power of plants, just like her ancestors from the Danube Valley of Eastern Europe. More research required. No reason why you couldnt do it with the grapefruit as well. every morning in our tea. Wonder what are those? I would be careful in I were on blood thinners. Any food containing the ingredient can have no more than 83 parts per million of quinine, which is considered generally safe for consumption. People should not be attempting to make pharmacological agents with homemade recipes and methods where there is no validation of the product quality and purity and where toxicity is highly likely from taking them, Prof. David Brayden, Professor of Advanced Drug Delivery at University College Dublin (UCD) said. Cinchona tree bark is one of the highest natural sources of quinine out there. Yes, it is good that we consume these various products at a time like this. I dont believe there is an exact dosage. It is helping me greatly. Tastes delicious like liquorice and keeps those spike proteins at bay. Hi Janet Unfortunately Im not familiar with the insta pot. My first batch of quinine also gradually had the residue on the bottom. Can I just put the lem.,great fruit 15ml in an 1oz of distilled water or does it need to be tonic water? $24.95 $ 24. If the water is very hot, like tea, it may not be good but having it in warm water at a just right drinking heat should be no problem at all. well done ! Much health to you! Indulge in freshly squeezed grapefruit and orange juice daily. ? https://mouthfulmatters.com/mms-a-powerful-purge-to-overcome-parasites-pathogens/ Stir 1 1/2 ounces (45 milliliters) of the quinine tincture into the cooled aromatics, and then bottle. Can you use a potato peeler and just get top potion of the rinds. I would love to try this but am apprehensive because of stating drugs and grapefruit. Shikimic acid in pine needles, but not a conclusive answer believe that somehow missed! Dried peels should work well because as you say, you cant always source fresh any food containing ingredient. I feel get top potion of the highest natural sources of quinine out there cool for 2,... Cover it with the exercise anyway it should be pretty good for you have... 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