This site is using cookies under cookie policy . McClusky led one squadron, VB-6, against the carrier Kaga, while the other Enterprise squadron pounced on Nagumos flagship, Akagi. As his staff worked, Halsey used the fleet to win the Battle of Leyte Gulf. After another three-year tour at the Naval War College, Spruance was again ordered to sea aboard Mississippi. Bombs destroyed the bridge of Kaga and set her ablaze from stem to stern. Fletcher quickly ordered his dive bombers to strike, which fatally damaged the fourth Japanese carrier; it was scuttled the next day. Maintaining a position offshore, the Fifth Fleet's ships were subjected to relentless kamikaze attacks by Japanese aircraft. This gave rise to the description of Spruance as "an Admiral's admiral". He was a diligent, neat and gentle boy. Morison, "Coral Sea, Midway and Submarine Actions: May 1942 August 1942". President Harry S. Truman appointed him ambassador to the Philippines in January 1952, and he served until March 1955. Spruances fleet had prevented the Japanese from reinforcing the Saipan garrison. At the crucial Battle of Midway your daring and skilled leadership routed the enemy in the full tide of his advance and established the pattern of air-sea warfare which was to lead to his eventual capitulation[24]. My mind is blank. My mind is blank. Spruance became Commander of the 5th Fleet in November 1943, which presented him with command of the Central Pacific Forces. After further schooling at the Stevens Preparatory School in New Jersey, Spruance applied to and was accepted by the US Naval Academy in 1903. Admiral Ernest J. They were hurled back decisively, and the losses353 enemy planes downed, 21 U.S. aircraft lostamazed the Americans. Lieutenant in command of the USS Enterprise air group. After three days of pre-invasion bombardment, Marines landed on Roi Islet and captured it the same day. It's commanding officer, Captain Yanagimoto, volunteered to stay aboard and go down with his ship. [17], The Battle of Midway is considered by many to be a turning point of the war in the Pacific, along with the Guadalcanal campaign. About us| Write down what your favorite food is and why to get 50 points :), Select TWO facts about the relationship between Constantinople and Christianity. An academic building at the Naval War College was also named for him. He was uniquely modest and candid about himself all his life. Early on the morning of Thursday, June 4, 1942, Nagumos carriers launched a 108-plane strike against Midway and inflicted Richmond Kelly Turner and Harry W. Hill and Marine Generals Holland M. Smith and Julian C. Smith. This was said to be the first time that a four-star admiral took part in a sea action aboard one of the ships engaged. Admiral Yamaguchi and the Hiryu's captain decide to stay aboard the ship. The month before, American and Japanese naval units had fought the Battle of the Coral Sea, and both closely matched sides had suffered. Adding to the surprise factor was the fact that Admirals Yamamoto and Nagumo did not believe the U.S. Pacific Fleet was at sea. When New Mexico was struck by two kamikaze on the night of 12 May 1945 a hasty search by Spruance's staff found the Admiral manning a fire hose amidship. [31] The series, based on Herman Wouk's book of the same name, shows Spruance's decision to end the battle and retreat rather than confront the rest of the Japanese fleet as having been opposed by his subordinates, and he was mocked behind his back as "lacking the stomach." The following year, the new admiral was ordered to the Pacific. That same year he received a new assignment: assistant machinery inspector at the Newport News, Va., dry dock, where the battleship Pennsylvania was being outfitted. By shortly after 9 a.m., planes from Yorktown were also on their way. Serving in Manila, Spruance remained abroad until resigning his post in 1955. He held that post until the following February, when he was ordered back to the Naval War College at Newportthis time as president. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz,, Commander in Chief, Pacific, (right) and, Admiral Raymond Spruance, Commander, Central Pacific Force, (center) Tour Kwajalein Island, Marshalls, February 5,1944, following its capture. Born on 3 July 1886, Spruance graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1906. Admiral Spruance said that what they did was to wait until the Japanese ships were refueling, carrying weapons, and preparing their aircraft to attack them because the Japanese were in a vulnerable position. Japanese submarine I-168 torpedoes and torpedoes a damaged US aircraft carrier and its escorting destroyer. When Midway began on June 4, 1942 the first few waves of U.S. aircraft were greatly outnumbered by Japanese forces. Yorktown and Task Force 17 were under the command of Rear Adm. Frank Jack Fletcher. Spruance was a dedicated sailorthorough in his absorption of all aspects of training and techniques. Towards the end of that year, Spruance commanded a cruiser division supporting Admiral Halsey's carrier, the 'Enterprise', at Wake Island. And with this battle the American forces gained, and afterwards continued to gain, hard combat experience; so the Japanese lost that crucial advantage as well. After air assaults, two rocky islands, Kiska and Attu, were occupied by Japanese ground forces. From 1952 to 1955 Spruance served as the American ambassador to Philippines. It Didnt End Well. Thus the Americans knew the Japanese planned to move toward Midway. [13] But in summing up Spruance's performance in the battle, Morison wrote: "Fletcher did well, but Spruance's performance was superb. The Japanese lost 322 airplanes, most of them going down with the carriers. B. Jim Crow Laws After working to defend neutral American shipping from German U-boats, Spruance received orders to take over Cruiser Division Five in September 1941. "When I look at myself objectively," he wrote in retirement, "I think that what success I may have achieved through life is largely due to the fact that I am a good judge of men. Spruance, Raymond A. Akagi was lashed by bombs, which exploded torpedoes that were being loaded onto her planes, and the crew abandoned ship. Aboard the battleship Yamato, Admiral Yamamoto received word that the U.S. fleet was at Midwaynot Pearl Harbor as he had thought. On November 24, Spruance relieved Nimitz as Commander, US Pacific Fleet. He was appointed as Ambassador to the Philippines by President Harry S. Truman, and served there from 1952 to 1955. While both Fletcher and Spruance were rear admirals, Fletcher was senior and nominally in overall command. But due to a printing error on the executive calendar of nominations, Spruance was officially promoted only to his former rank of vice admiral. Two years later, he aided in the fitting out of USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) then under construction in the yard. On April 22, Task Force 58s guns and planes supported the U.S. invasion of Hollandia in Dutch New Guinea and Aitape in Australian New Guinea. During the last year of World War I he was assigned as Assistant Engineer Officer of the New York Naval Shipyard, and carried out temporary duty in London, England and Edinburgh, Scotland. Spruance's fast carrier commander, Marc Mitscher, told his chief of staff Arleigh Burke: You and I have been in many battles, and we know there are always some mistakes. 31, 2021, As the island-hopping campaign began, MacArthur continued his . How can these and the knowledge they provide be used to spread His Word? He was drafted on short notice for his date with destiny. The Eastern Orthodox Church developed from the church in Constantinople. That December he was elevated to rear admiral, and in February 1940 he was placed in command of the 10th Naval District (Caribbean), with his headquarters in San Juan, Puerto Rico. When I look at myself objectively, he wrote in retirement, I think that what success I may have achieved through life is largely due to the fact that I am a good judge of men. His entry in Whos Who in America was only three lines long (including his full name), and a footnote in Morisons monumental history of the U.S. Navy in World War II testifies to his modesty. By that time, he was said to be an expert on the many engines, instruments and guns that go into a battleship. Advertisement Still have questions? Naval Academy in 1906 and from the Naval War College in 1927 where he taught for a few years. is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. "Foreward for Midway." US Naval Institute Proceedings 81, no. After his flagship, the IJN Hiryu, was fatally damaged, he and the Hiryu's captain Tomeo Kaku locked themselves in the bridge and went down with their ship. But they expected it to come at the obvious and exposed outer fringe, and when we struck at the heart of the archipelago with a huge fleet that had approached undetected, we enjoyed complete tactical surprise. A graduate of the US Naval Academy, Spruance commanded cruisers during the early months of the conflict and first came to prominence for helping lead American forces to victory at the pivotal Battle of Midway in June 1942. Admiral Raymond Spruance served in US Navy during World War Two. The Japanese planned to outwit the U.S. forces at Midway. This was said to be the first time that a four-star admiral took part in a sea action aboard one of the ships engaged. Before the Battle of the Coral Sea on 7-8 May 1942, the Imperial Navy of Japan had swept aside all of its enemies from the Pacific and Indian oceans. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. One commentator said: The quick success of the offensive was attributed to the strategic daring by which Vice Admiral Spruances forces cut behind the eastern chain of the Marshalls. He was modest and candid about himself. serious damage on the islands installations. His division was an element of the task force built around the aircraft carrier USSEnterprise and commanded by Vice Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr. Japanese Admiral and a pioneer in aircraft carrier warfare. During the Midway engagement which resulted in the defeat of and heavy losses to the enemy fleet, his seamanship, endurance, and tenacity in handling his task force were of the highest quality. >The fleet units shielding the Marianas invasion forces were also under Spruances command. C. The Roman Catholic Church developed in Constantinople. (2021, July 31). In the first months of World War II in the Pacific, Spruance commanded the four heavy cruisers and support ships of Cruiser Division Five from his flagship, the heavy cruiser USSNorthampton. Web. Notwithstanding their different personalities, Spruance and Halsey were close friends. Besides, the Japanese only had 35 serviceable planes left, rendering her carriers toothless. ThoughtCo. The battle would open in the mist-shrouded Aleutians with airstrikes against Dutch Harbor on June 3, followed by landings at three points on June 6. A. The main auditorium of the U.S. Spruance directed Operation Hailstone against the Japanese naval base Truk in February 1944 in which twelve Japanese warships, thirty-two merchant ships and 249 aircraft were destroyed. He disliked personal publicity and had a reputation for freezing reporters who invaded his privacy. "[16] Both Fletcher and Nimitz recommended Spruance for the Distinguished Service Medal for his role in the battle. In 1949, naval historian Samuel Eliot Morison noted that Spruance was subjected to criticism for not pursuing the retreating Japanese and allowing the surface fleet to escape. By 1939, at the age of 53, Spruance had spent 18 years at sea. On October 16, 1946, the former Secretary of War, Robert P. Patterson, presented the Army Distinguished Service Medal to Admiral Spruance, with citation as follows: Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, U.S. Navy, as Task Force Commander during the capture of the Marshall and Marianas Islands, rendered exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services from January to June 1944. For most of the war, Spruance preferred to use the heavy cruiser USSIndianapolis, named for his hometown, as his flagship. To the Aleutians, the Japanese dispatched an invasion task force of three transports carrying 2,400 troops, supported by two heavy cruisers, a two-carrier support force and a covering group of four battleships. But several hours laternear the end of daylight hoursa U.S. scout plane located Hiry again. Spruance is depicted as the controversial victor of Midway by G. D. Spradlin in the 1988 TV miniseries War and Remembrance. Historian Samuel Eliot Morison believed he was one of the greatest fighting and thinking admirals in American naval history. On February 19, American forces landed and opened the Battle of Iwo Jima. The Japanese navy could never accept this catastrophic loss. 6 (June 1955): 658-659. The U.S. Navy counterforce sank all four Japanese carriers while losing one of its own, Yorktown. [7], Spruance served in Washington until early 1924, when he was ordered to the headquarters, Commander Naval Force in Europe. Landing troops on Saipan on June 15, he defeated Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa at the Battle of the Philippine Sea a few days later. Spruance also held several engineering . So the US navy had a good idea of what to expect from the Japanese fleet and how to counterattack it. In January 1945, Spruance resumed command of the fleet and began moving against Iwo Jima. Following the war, Spruance served as US Ambassador to the Philippines from 1952 to 1955. Nagumo ordered his planes rearmed on their return. In 1964 an Ohio woman took up the challenge that had led to Amelia Earharts disappearance. It was bombed by dive bombers from the Enterprise and as scuttled shortly after Nagumo was forced by his staff to evacuate. Three bombs hammered her. Admiral Spruance was buried with full honors alongside Admirals Nimitz and Kelly Turner in a military cemetery overlooking San Francisco Bay. This saw him win a victory at Battle of the Philippine Sea in June 1944 as part of the Allied "island-hopping" campaign across the Pacific. Hickman, Kennedy. After these victories, Spruance went back to Pearl Harbour to assist with planning Japans invasion. the prospects for its inclusion in doctrine The logical starting point is Admiral Chester Nimitz's famous "letter of instruction" (actually, of course, transmitted . At the end of the Second World War Congress created a limited number of five-star ranks for the Army and the Navy, designated General of the Army and Fleet Admiral. "Admiral Raymond Spruance". He lived quietly at Pebble Beach until December 13, 1969, when he died of arteriosclerosis at the age of 83. Falling ill with shingles, Halsey recommended that Spruance lead Task Force 16, centered on the carriers USS Enterprise (CV-6) and USS Hornet (CV-8), in his stead. In April, Nimitz divided command of the Central Pacific Force between Spruance and Halsey. Lt. Kabayashi leads Japanese bombers from the Hiryu to attack the USS Yorktown. The two admirals were a contrast in styles. He has appeared on The History Channel as a featured expert. [21] Buell quotes Spruance speaking with Morison: As a matter of tactics I think that going out after the Japanese and knocking their carriers out would have been much better and more satisfactory than waiting for them to attack us, but we were at the start of a very important and large amphibious operation and we could not afford to gamble and place it in jeopardy. In July 1941, his responsibilities were expanded to include oversight of the Caribbean Sea Frontier. A. Desegregation of Society He withdrew his ships westward, still hoping to draw Spruance into a trap. Then followed two years as assistant chief of staff to the commander of naval forces in Europe; a year of study at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I., where he completed the senior course; and two years of duty in the Office of Naval Intelligence. Just before the planned invasion of Midway island in June 1942, Halsey suddenly became ill with shingles. The Americans were able to count on Yorktown, however, after patching her up in an astonishing two days instead of 90 days as had been estimated. Then it was back to Pebble Beach. Commanding the battleship for nearly two years, Spruance was aboard when World War II began in Europe. Capturing and occupying Midway was the brainchild-plan of commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. 1, and he commanded her until 1914. Admiral Raymond Ames Spruance was a key American naval commander who served in the Pacific Theater of World War II.A graduate of the US Naval Academy, Spruance commanded cruisers during the early months of the conflict and first came to prominence for helping lead American forces to victory at the pivotal Battle of Midway in June 1942. Yamamoto himself was based on the battleship Yamato, which is the largest warship built to date. Japanese fleet under the direct command of Admiral Yamamoto with over 5 battleships and escort carrier Hosho. Graduating from Annapolis three years later, he served two years at sea before receiving his commission as an ensign on September 13, 1908. Not till many months later did American intelligence ferret out the facts."[33]. In June 1942 the United States and Japan fought for control of Midway Island in the South Pacific. They would draw them north to deal with a Japanese invasion in the bleak Aleutian Islands, and then strike at unprotected Midway. Akagi class Japanese aircraft carrier that served as the flagship of Admiral Nagumo. Besides his family, he loved the companionship of his pet schnauzer, Peter. Hiryu class Japanese aircraft carrier that was part of the second detachment of the Japanese carrier strike force. The Japanese had been overconfident, and the Americans taught them a bitter lesson. 2015. Admiral Raymond Spruance served in US Navy during World War Two. With World War I raging, he became Assistant Engineer Officer of the New York Navy Yard. He advanced quickly through the ranks, becoming an admiral in 1944. He was promoted to captain in 1932, and the following year he was assigned as chief of staff and aide to the commander of a destroyer scouting force. Make sure to provide references and acknowledgement for any sources you use. [25], Spruance was President of the Naval War College from February 1946 until he retired from the Navy in July 1948. If this happened, it would enable the Japanese to pinch the Americans between their two carrier forces. In 1916 he aided in the fitting out of the battleship Pennsylvania and he served on board her from her commissioning in June 1916 until November 1917. Launched the planes that were responsible for the sinking of nearly all 4 Japanese Carriers at Midway. Japanese aircraft carrier attached to the Main Body of the fleet and saw close to no action. He died on 13 December 1969 at the age of 83. He presided over US Forces in the Pacific during two decisive Allied victories: the Battle of Midway in 1942 and the 1944 Battle of the Philippines Sea. He commanded the battleship USS Mississippi from April 1938 to December 1939, when he was promoted to rear admiral. Having attained the rank of commander, Spruance attended the Senior Course at the Naval War College in July 1926. Fit and spare in his 70s, Spruance spent most of his retirement days wearing old khakis and work shoes and working in his garden and greenhouse. This occurred at the same time that Admiral Turner's forces were attacking Eniwetok Atoll in the Marshalls, about 700 miles to the east. He was fond of symphonic music, and his tastes were generally simple. [32] Wouk writes in his book that "Spruance escaped [the Japanese fleet admiral] Yamamoto's terrible trap by acting on perfect military instinct. U.S. losses were low: 25 airplanes and 18 lives. help him spread the Gospel?Here is your goal for this assignment:Write a report discussing how education can be a key ingredient of effective ministryIn a report of 250-500 words, i.e., one-half to one-page, provide at least three ways in which Paul's education helped him to be more effective in his ministry. Provide at least two examples.Certain lessons in New Testament Survey, as well as outside sources, may be of help to you as you write your report. It was hit and sunk by American dive bombers and the submarine USS Nautilus. While in that capacity he assumed additional duty as a member of the board on doctrine of aircraft in connection with fleet fire control. Things did not look hopeful for Spruance and his force on the eve of Midway. This was followed by a promotion to Deputy Commander in Chief, US Pacific Fleet in September. On June 4, Spruance and Fletcher engaged four Japanese carriers at the Battle of Midway. Flagship of Kakuta. Raymond Spruance was born in Baltimore on July 3, 1886, the son of Alexander and Annie Spruance. The son of Alexander and Annie Spruance, Raymond Ames Spruance was born at Baltimore, MD on July 3, 1886. With it he intended to significantly expand the Imperial Japanese Navy's outer defense perimeter across the central Pacific; and, he believed, this very powerful stroke against Midway would so severely threaten Hawaii and Pearl Harbor that the U.S. government would be induced to sue for peace. Fletcher would command Task Force 17, but the task force flag ship, USSYorktown, had been badly damaged at the Battle of the Coral Sea and the formation's other carrier, Lexington, had been sunk, but at Nimitz's behest Yorktown was patched-repaired in "rush" time purposefully to join the Midway operation.[11]. He shifted his flag to the old battleship USSNew Mexico of the shore bombardment force after Indianapolis was struck by a Kamikaze off Okinawa. United States Admiral in command of naval units on the Pacific Theatre in 1942. He was then ordered to the China station, with sea duty aboard the battleship Connecticut and the cruiser Cincinnati. During this period, Spruance served aboard USS Minnesota (BB-22) during the cruise of the Great White Fleet. When Vice Adm. Bull Halsey was confined to a hospital with a skin disease, Pacific Fleet Commander Nimitz appointed Spruance to succeed him as commander of Task Force 16. Though the fourth, Hiryu, managed to launch bombers which caused critical damage to Yorktown, it too was sunk when American aircraft returned later in the day. Raymond Ames Spruance as Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitscher, Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and Vice Admiral Willis A. Lee - 1945 On June 14, while Mitscher led a diversionary attack on the Bonin Islands 800 miles to the north, U.S. Marines and infantrymen stormed ashore. I finally wangled two months at sea, in 1918, before the war was over. It was hit and shortly after destroyed by American dive bombers. On the afternoon of June 4, 24 American dive bombersincluding 10 refugees from Yorktownscored four hits on Hiryu. At Midway, Spruance's force inflicted on the Imperial Japanese Navy its worst setback in 350 years. A squadron of US Dive bombers which had arrived late after getting lost ambush the Japanese carriers bombing and resulting in the sinking of three out of four carriers. Spruance had earned a restful retirement at his home in Pebble Beach, Calif., 125 miles south of San Francisco, with his wife, son and daughter. Spruance commanded US naval forces during two of the most significant naval battles that took place in the Pacific theater, the Battle of Midway and the Battle of the Philippine Sea. It was June 4, Admiral Raymond A. Spruance and Admira Fletcher had to engage four Japanese ships in the Battle of Midway. Although there are no options attached we can say the following. No matter what other people tell you, your decision was correct". Kwajalein was in American hands, but the rest of the Marshalls groupabout 30 islands and more than 800 reefs scattered over hundreds of miles of oceanremained to be dealt with. Overseeing the Battle of Tarawa in November 1943, he guided Allied forces as they advanced through the Gilbert Islands. It was hit multiple times by aircraft from the IJN Hiryu and later torpedoed by a Japanese submarine before sinking. His work would bring him a gold star in lieu of a second Distinguished Service Medal. Hickman, Kennedy. By then 43 years old, Commander Spruance went to sea againaboard the battleship Mississippi from 1929 to 1931. While screening the American invasion of Saipan in June 1944, Spruance defeated the Japanese fleet in the Battle of the Philippine Sea. The first Japanese airstrike was followed by another. A number of strategic and tactical errors contributed to the Japanese defeat: Yamamotos virtual isolation on the bridge of Yamato and his failure to maintain an overall grip on the strategic situation; a loss of nerve on the part of Nagumo; tradition that led Yamaguchi and other enemy commanders to go down with their ships instead of trying to recover the initiative; insufficient reconnaissance against the U.S. carriers; a lack of high-altitude fighter cover; inadequate fire precautions aboard the ships; and the launching of airstrikes from all four fleet carriers at the same time, so that there was a critical period when the Japanese carrier force had little defensive capability. The US navy ended up winning the battle and historians consider this a major turning point in the Pacific Theater during World War II. The U.S. fleet lost fewer men, but it lost a fleet carrier while the Japanese lost only the light carrier Shoho. World War II: Fleet Admiral William Halsey Jr. World War II Pacific: The Japanese Advance Stopped, M.S., Information and Library Science, Drexel University, B.A., History and Political Science, Pennsylvania State University. Kennedy Hickman is a historian, museum director, and curator who specializes in military and naval history. On August 1, 1941, he finished his tour in Puerto Rico. From reinforcing the Saipan garrison the Hiryu 's Captain decide to stay aboard and go down with his.. Still hoping to draw Spruance into a battleship the worlds largest publisher of history magazines for sources... Campaign how does admiral spruance explain the us victory at midway quizlet, MacArthur continued his the planes that were responsible for the of... Spruance defeated the Japanese lost 322 airplanes, most of the fleet and began moving against Iwo Jima later American. Attached to the Main Body of the Caribbean sea Frontier with World War two date. 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