Between 1990 and 2009, investment from China to all of Latin America was about $7 billion. In the early days of the outbreak, the Trump administration tried everything possible to downplay the severity of the situation attempting to secure the economy and votes in a presidential election year. But the technology war also hurts U.S. suppliers. Social Structure In China, the social structure is formal and hierarchical. The differences in the political orders of China and the United States are "irreconcilable", making it difficult to keep relations between the two countries on a stable track, a leading. Despite the new Democratic government's support of domestic diversity, it continues hostile Trump-era policies intended to pressure China, Russia and others into conforming with the U.S.'s political demands. The Incarcerated Vote. For the Chinese, the key to those outcomes is respect for an appropriate hierarchy, itself a means of control. They dont know how socialist it is, with its Social Security system and its policies to tax the rich by collecting capital gains taxes. But the state-owned sector remains too big and inefficient. The pluralist theory denounces such centralization of power, especially in the hands of the rich or a small percentage reflecting the population, but it does support the idea of groups that control the government such as lobbying groups which are present in the country such as the NRA (OpenStax, 2020). All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. The truth, then, is that China is not an authoritarian state seeking to become more liberal but an authoritarian state seeking to become more successfulpolitically as well as economically. China is bordered by several countries and lies on the coastline of the Pacific Ocean. 808 certified writers online. The . China is among the most open markets in the world: It is the largest trading nation and also the largest recipient of foreign direct investment, surpassing the United States in 2020. Federal and state governments wrangled and blamed each other over the pandemic response, exposing public discontent with the efficacy and legitimacy of the government, as well as the internal strife in society. Sage. Eager for experience, she took a job as an investment analyst with a Shanghai-based foreign asset manager, but despite a long-term career plan mapped out by her employer, she left that company for a small short-term pay raise from a competitor. These similarities are real, but they are manifestations of the wealth and personal aspirations of Chinas newly affluent middle class, and they in no way negate the very real differences between the political systems of China and the West. The benefits are both financial (for example, access to mortgage loans) and social (permission to buy a ticket on one of the new high-speed trains). China and the global economy. A Marxist system is concerned primarily with economic outcomes. Even though the laws of the United States provide every individual regardless of creed and color to vote, there have been instances of voter suppression reported, especially in relation to minorities, and this oppression has been systemic and has existed throughout the history of the US. Is your time best spent reading someone elses essay? And the narrative has had some powerful supporters. Even though China is diverse in its ethnic groups, it is still a relatively high homogenous group, which is also reflected in its politics. This is the best approach for one to have and ensures that its partnerships remain everlasting. Reforming Sino-American Cultural Exchange for the Better. First, China and the United States are at different stages of development. Our response? For example, the British role in the Opium Wars of the 1840s kicked off a 100-year period that the Chinese still refer to as the Century of Humiliation. Ambition like that cant be realized without state interventionrelatively fast and easy but often brutal in China. A Leninist approach to selecting future leaders is also a way the CCP has maintained its legitimacy, because to many ordinary Chinese, this approach produces relatively competent leaders: They are chosen by the CCP and progress through the system by successfully running first a town and then a province; only after that do they serve on the Politburo. There are, however, other forms of citizen engagement at a more local level when electing a township government, which can be done through public recommendation or public nomination ( (Cheng), 2011). With less than a quarter of Chinas population, America has a death toll about 100 times Chinas and counting. Not completely and not without very high costs. The United States is famous for being ethnically and religiously diverse, but most of the branches of the government are made up of Christian and White males who have come from affluent backgrounds and studied from elite universities such as the Ivy Leagues. Provide your email for sample delivery, You agree to receive our emails and consent to our Terms & Conditions. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi made an excellent remark about political systems across the world while speaking with the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations last week. The economy has grown 36-fold over the past three decades, chiefly because of market-oriented reforms that have created a vibrant private sector, which now accounts for about two-thirds of Chinas GDP. Investors have always been enticed by Chinas vast market. Since China is a communist and one-party state, citizen engagement is lower in comparison to democratic states. This package reveals much that may surprise them. In International Business: Competing in the global marketplace (11th ed.). Civic engagement is not just on an individual basis but is also done through the use of groups and communities. Diversity is naturally occurring, whether it be among ethnicities, religions, governing systems or whatever else. Similarities and Differences: US vs. China There are both very strikingly similarities and differences compared with their American counterparts in regards to culture and institutions. The critical distinction is that the Chinese system is not only Marxist, its Marxist-Leninist. Therefore, a country's political system can be assessed effectively by using aspects such as collectivism or individualism and totalitarianism or democracy. Such ideas may appear very different from the outward-facing, Confucian concepts of benevolence and harmony that China presents to its international, English-speaking audience. Thus many Chinese consumers prefer the short-term gains of the stock market to locking their money away in long-term savings vehicles. The president controls the army. The main difference between Chinese and US politics is the political ideologies, and one is founded on a democratic yet capitalist system while the other has been led through decades on a Communist and one-party system. In this interview he talks about the accessibility of the Chinese market, Americas demonization of China, what the Chinese dont understand about the U.S., and more. China is still in the process of building a social safety net that is largely undefined and underfunded, and it has no tax on personal capital gains. Advantages and Disadvantages of Bellwether Cases, The Conundrum of Non-Criminalization of Marital Rape in India, Examination of School Shootings and Student Safety from Public Administration Viewpoint. But the third assumption can also mislead those seeking to engage with China. They both have a presiding official, like a judge, plaintiffs, defendants, legal council etc. In the early 2010s she started moderating her previously outspoken political comments on Weibo as censorship tightened up. For companies that want to venture into international businesses, it is important to investigate the legal system of that country and how it can affect their day to day business in that nation. Both countries have a Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branch. Any shift in supply chains will be gradual and partial, because its very costly to move from the most efficient supplier to the second or third best. Jimmy Dore delivered a monologue on the history of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how a "tiny cabal" are using the situation for profit on Friday's broadcast of 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' on FOX News. (b) The national average SP of CO2 is 266.8 US dollars per ton, which is much higher than the carbon price in the emission trading system. (More than 33 million people were jobless and waiting for relief as of late April.) Trumps trade war was an abject failure. During the Cold War in the 20th century, and particularly afterward, the U.S. sought to establish and consolidate its leadership role in the international community in the name of freedom and democracy so much so that U.S. hegemony was also often referred to as hegemonic liberalism.. It continues apace. But its also conspicuously different: The concept of U.S. hegemony goes beyond economics to such fields as politics, the military and society. This approach is counterproductive and has generated immense resentment against the U.S. across the world. According to Hill (2017) "from time to time a nation will adopt a system that will merge collectivism and individualism alongside democracy". It will take years if not decades for China to catch up in some areas, at great cost. Some of its technological successes have been driven by market forces: People wanted to buy goods or communicate more easily, and the likes of Alibaba and Tencent have helped them do just that. With its democratic society, the U.S. is unable to prevent financial capitalism from swelling, or to take dramatic action against vested interests to formulate a model under which finance and industry mutually optimize and complement one another. Weijian Shan was born in China and had his life upended by the Cultural Revolution. In contrast, the U.S. always does the inverse and never misses an opportunity to pressure others in increasingly creative ways. A. Eighty percent of the Senate and House of Representatives are male, while only 20 percent are either women or people of color. Additionally, in such a system, services and products are distributed and offered by the individuals working privately and independently with limited regulation from the government. The Trump administration was determined to damage Chinas economy and businesses. Weijian Shan understands the delicate U.S.-China dynamic as well as anyone. China and the United States significantly differ in terms of the economic, legal and political system but this does not stop them from being the top two nation with the biggest economy worldwide. The point is that a China-based supply chain has proved a blessing, not a curse, in this pandemic. Chinas saving rate will drop significantly as its population ages, and investment will slow. After all, if it genuinely believed in the merits of diversity at home, it wouldn't try to snuff out political diversity abroad. Part of the systems legitimacy in the eyes of the Chinese is, again, rooted in history: China has often had to fight off invaders and, as is rarely acknowledged in the West, fought essentially alone against Japan from 1937 until 1941, when the U.S. entered World War II. After observing how other nations are doing well under democracy in the international market, countries with command systems are now doing all they can to change this even if it means giving up some of their traditions. The branches of the government are not only responsible for the laws of the land but are also responsible for ensuring free and fair elections and that the citizens of the country that they represent are being heard (USG, 2020). Chinas leaders argue that its essentially Leninist rule book makes Chinese politics far less arbitrary or nepotistic than those of many other, notably Western, countries (even though the system has its share of back-scratching and opaque decision-making). Some manufacturing has been relocated away from China since the trade war with the U.S. began in 2018, but that hasnt made a dent in either Chinas exports or Americas trade deficit. The main difference between Chinese and US politics is the political ideologies, and one is founded on a democratic yet capitalist system while the other has been led through decades on a Communist and one-party system. This review discusses recent efforts to systematically compare three leading values in China's philosophical traditionsmeritocracy, hierarchy, and harmony . However, both states have a very different political landscape, which is what will be discussed in the paper today. The resulting victory, which for decades the CCP spun as its solo vanquishing of an external enemy, was reinforced by defeat of an internal one (Chiang Kai-shek in 1949), establishing the legitimacy of the party and its authoritarian system. A Shanghai journalist is paid by her state-controlled magazine to fly around the world for stories on global lifestyle trends. While Bidens policy proposals reflect fading U.S. hegemonistic attitudes, Trump is showing Americans the status quo of U.S. power. Routledge. Chinas Good War: How World War II Is Shaping a New Nationalism. What are the dangers in Americas continued demonization of China? However, there are usually lawful ways to get around that. Chinas rulers see foreign engagement as a source less of opportunity than of threat, uncertainty, and even humiliation. For liberals (in China and elsewhere), this is an appalling prospect; but for many ordinary people in China, its a perfectly reasonable part of the social contract between the individual and the state. What has caused the frequent conflicts between the two countries? The positions in this branch can be for either a five-year long term or even an unlimited amount of time. ), Copyright 2020 CGTN. Chinas recent history means that Chinese people and the state approach decisions very differently from Westernersin both the time frames they use and the risks they worry about most. Second, the economic structure is different. The study of geography is centered on the regional system of the human-land relationship, and the core of the study of the geographical system of the human-land relationship is land use change. We will write a custom Research Paper on Political system comparison between India and China specifically for you. The Chinese political system is dominated by multiparty cooperation as well as political constitution under the direction of the Communist party of China (CPC), but the USA is governed by the western style of multiparty system. The old imperial bureaucracy helps modern Chinese to make the government started on more efficient point to absorb interest than any other countries (King, F. J., The United States and China Fourth Edition, 1979, This suggests some obvious hypocrisy on the part of the Biden administration and perhaps even a lack of sincerity with respect to the domestic causes that it supports. Obviously the ideology of nationalist identification under the pandemic has greatly roughened the political landscape for China and the U.S. The world will be lifeless and dull if there is only one single model and one single civilization." And what if the market itself is in China? Chinas rulers, therefore, see foreign engagement as a source less of opportunity than of threat, uncertainty, and even humiliation. As Western attention focused on the deepening ties between China and Russia and the potential transfer of Chinese military aid to Moscow, Belarusian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka embarked on a three . The legislative branch of the government is responsible for making laws through the Congress and House of Representatives, both of which hold elected officials that create legislation for their constituents while the Judicial branch of the government is responsible for upholding and interpreting these laws through the highest court in the land Supreme Court and High Courts which tend to follow their own state law. That history also explains the paradox that the rulers and the ruled in China operate on very different time frames. Americans Dont Know How Capitalist China Is, A version of this article appeared in the. Either way you slice it, the economies are the two strongest . Had she been born in 1955 in almost any other major economy in the world, her life would have been much, much more predictable. A decade ago its retail-goods market was about $1.8 trillionless than half that of the United States. Shanghainese are up-to-date on the newest trends, whereas Beijingers prefer Qing Dynasty fashion. 10. Business in the United States moves at a different pace from China. Those with low social-credit scores may find themselves prevented from buying an airline ticket or getting a date on an app. Some have expressed optimism that Chinas need for control will lessen after theyve proved their worth as partners. It is important to understand the background of the. Would you like to get this essay by email? Also, while its relatively easy to shift the sourcing of a low-value-added product from China to Vietnam or Mexico, how can you move an entire supply chain with many indigenous players? The Peoples Republic of China is still one of the few countries in the world that follow the communist government structure and is led by a one-party system. He believes Chinese people are fixated on. The differences between people of different cultures far outweigh their similaritiesI believe that differences in people of different cultures far outweigh their similarities.. There have been reports of local voters being harassed and pressured into voting for the candidates that are supported by the CCP, and these reports have been identified to be affecting the rising independent candidates in local township elections, where there have been reports of voter rigging as well, and any other party other than the CCP is strongly discouraged which is why the existing parties are all under the control of the CCP (LaFraniere, 2011). Chinas high-speed rail could cover the distance between Boston and Chicago in about four hours, whereas Amtraks fastest service takes 22 hours. -- China's system of political parties is a system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), not a Western-style multiparty system. No personal data is being tracked. Difference between United States of America Political System and China Introduction . The United States takes in with high respect the principles of democracy and individualism. Consequently, the freedom of running businesses without much obstacles leads to an increase in modernization and innovation increase and the country realizes better economic growth. Our firm, PAG, invests throughout Asia and occasionally beyond. This suggests that something distinctive to mainland China influences this behavior: long-term unpredictability thats sufficiently recent to have been experienced by or passed on to those now buying stocks. This means that business contracts are not usually detailed in China since the civil codes do not cover most laws. Entry to the CCP and to a university involves compulsory courses in Marxist-Leninist thought, which has also become part of popular culture, as evidenced by the 2018 TV talk show Marx Got It Right. Western systems are . The one long-term asset class in which increasing numbers of Chinese are investedthat is, residential property, ownership of which grew from 14% of 25-to-69-year-olds in 1988 to 93% by 2008is driven also by the need for security: Unlike all other assets, property ensures a roof over ones head if things go wrong, in a system with limited social welfare and a history of sudden policy changes. Even though both countries are different in every way, they are still recognized as each others competition in the International Arena. The US is surrounded by Mexico, Canada, the Pacific Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean. Cavusgil, S. T., Ghauri, P. N., & Akcal, A. Its GDP dropped 6.8% in the first quarter of 2020, but resumed growth from the second quarter onward. However, the beliefs and positions of political parties change over time, so . The CPC runs the country while the other non communist parties play the role of participatory. Examination of School Shootings and Student Safety from International and Non-International Armed Conflict, Comparison Between Democracy Vs. But in China the consumer applications have come faster, making more obvious the link between government investment and products and services that benefit individuals. But it wont back off from its territorial claims, all of which predate the Peoples Republic of China. The nominations of all the candidates are not done through their own accord or will but need to be nominated by the CCP, and this is done through the election committee that then consults a group of voters through what is called the three ups and three downs. Investment will slow and House of Representatives are male, while only 20 percent are either women or of! Business contracts are not usually detailed in China operate on very different political landscape China... U.S. hegemonistic attitudes, Trump is showing Americans the status quo of U.S. hegemony beyond. 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